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Breakout from Islam’s mental prison

I AM sitting in a small book-lined room in Sydney's eastern suburbs with a petite woman in her late 40s dressed in a neat suit and sensible shoes.

Can this be the woman recently described as an "international sensation"? The woman who drove an American rabbi to publicly accuse her of being "Islam's Ann Coulter"? The woman who last year made it on to Time magazine's list of 100 most influential people? Is she really the "uncompromising firebrand in the defence of reason and liberty". Yes, she is. Meet Wafa Sultan.

Last year, the Syrian-born psychiatrist, who has lived in the US for almost 20 years, catapulted herself into the centre of the critical issue of our time: how will Islam embrace modernity? She entered the battle of ideas in a fiery debate with an Islamic scholar on Al Jazeera television when she criticised Islam for its backwardness, for shunning knowledge and progress, for propagating a "mentality that belongs to the Middle Ages".

One question not often asked is why a growing number of Muslim women are speaking out, demanding a reformation of Islam. And the next question is why these brave women are not hailed as heroes and champions by Western leaders at the highest levels. They operate at the fringes on the right side of a crucial battle of ideas. It's still just a handful. Women such Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the Somalia-born former Dutch MP and author of Infidel, and Irshad Manji, African-born Canadian Muslim and author of The Trouble with Islam. And Sultan.

The answer to the latter question is one for us to ponder. Sultan is unapologetically curt as to why Muslim women are rising to the challenge: "Muslim women have lost everything. They have nothing to lose by speaking up." The security surrounding her visit to Australia last week attests to the fact women such as Sultan have, on the contrary, plenty to lose. They risk their lives when they speak out. Whether you agree with Sultan or not, her arguments about Islam ought to be met with words, not violence. Yet Sultan is used to constant security, FBI visits and daily death threats.

Late on Sunday evening she sent me a collection of them, including this: "I'm warning you to back up or the sword will cut off you're neck."

A crackpot, perhaps. But the slaughter of controversial filmmaker Theo van Gogh in The Netherlands, the heart of multicultural Europe no less, is a reminder that some crackpots deliver on their violent threats. Yet, for Sultan, the choice was obvious. She eschews Islam because, she says, it has so little to offer women. She describes Islam as a war against women, perverted by fear of sex and sexuality that mandates the mistreatment of women.

Sultan spoke to The Australian about her life. "I remember as a little girl trying hard to avoid passing by my father while he was praying because Mohammed once said that if a dog or a woman passes by a man while he was praying he had to rewash himself and pray again, otherwise his prayer wouldn't be accepted.

"I remember hearing as an eight-year-old girl that a woman is nothing but shame. Her marriage will cover up one-tenth of her shame and her grave will cover up the rest of it. Can you imagine, at eight, being consumed by shame just because you are female?" she asks.

Many find Sultan's message too confrontational. Her friends have asked her to soften her words. But she refuses, arguing that her experience as an Arab Muslim woman needs to be exposed. She says that before the Al Jazeera interview, her focus was on educating people in the Arabic world.

"In my (Arabic) writing, I always compare my life in Syria and my life in America, and I let my readers reach a conclusion ... they have never heard such voices as mine."

She receives hundreds of emails each week and thousands of people in Arabic countries click on to her website. She describes the world as a small village, thanks to the internet, where others have the chance to hear and understand what is going on

They see how women in the West are treated. "When they compare it with themselves, they question: 'Why? Why only us? Why don't we enjoy our lives they same way Western women do?"'

The Al Jazeera interview was the West's formal introduction to Sultan. And she attracts her fair share of Western critics. She is, some say, manipulated by Jews and Americans. But, as she points out, "the Islamic media introduced me to the West, not the other way around. Prior to my interview, I didn't have any Jewish friends. I said it because I believe it."

The American rabbi who walked out on Sultan at a conference complained that she failed to allude to a healthy, peaceful Islamic alternative.

Yet Sultan is certain that Islam can reform and will reform if exposed to enough information and if Muslims are able to make choices.

"Human beings look for the best, but many Muslims don't know the best ... they are hostages of their own belief system for many centuries and now I believe, because of the internet, they are exposed to different cultures, different thoughts, different belief systems ... if they are given the freedom to choose, I believe they are ready to mix Islam with other thoughts, to improve it," she says in a voice filled with passion.

But it will be a long battle of ideas.

"Look at any Islamic country. Tell me what you see. Poverty, backwardness, oppression, dictatorship, miserable lives. Somehow we have to help them change their way of thinking, their way of life. We have to re-create a new generation clean of hatred. We have been consumed by hatred. We are not practising our humanity. It's very sad."

Her message is clear. The West must be more confident about espousing its own values. And Islam must accept criticism as a sign of intellectual rigour if it is to reform into a belief system that embraces freedom and progress for its followers. Sultan is full of hope that the information revolution has cracked the wall around the Islamic prison. Not just for Muslim women.

I read another email she has translated from a 16-year-old Palestinian boy in Ramallah: "Without you, I would have been a suicide bomber. They taught me how to bomb, instead of teaching me to listen to music, or to enjoy looking at a beautiful painting. I don't believe you're human, you're a god."

Say what you will about Sultan's uncompromising message. She is part of a brigade of women, each in their own way dragging Islam into the 21stcentury.

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Tell us what you think

This article by Ms. Albrechtsen expresses a key and motivating point from Dr Sultan: "Look at any Islamic country. Tell me what you see. Poverty, backwardness, oppression, dictatorship, miserable lives. Somehow we have to help them change their way of thinking, their way of life. We have to re-create a new generation clean of hatred. We have been consumed by hatred. We are not practising our humanity. It's very sad." Her message is clear. The West must be more confident about espousing its own values. And Islam must accept criticism as a sign of intellectual rigour if it is to reform into a belief system that embraces freedom and progress for its followers. Sultan is full of hope that the information revolution has cracked the wall around the Islamic prison." As such, we must demand that the political platforms and ideological tenets based on the Quran - the political manifest of Islam - are put on the table, line for line, tenet for tenet, and exposed for what they are. We must learn that enjoyment is forbidden. We must learn that a Muslim life must be one of war, one of aggression, one of terror to fulfill his mission on earth. We must learn that a Muslim woman shall repress herself, in every way. With that, we will begin to learn and expose the source of the pathology of the captured and illiterate masses being indocrtinated with these ideas. Only then will Pandoras's box be opened. For those who believe they have been given the only source of salvation from the steamy horrors of this life, it can be a compelling mission. As death is the gateway to a better life, what's to fear? It must be the conscious agenda of every Western legislator, to countermand this ideological pathology, not leaving brave and isolated women like Dr Sultan and Kirsi Ali to fight this battle alone. For indeed, the battle has far reaching consequences for the integrity of the individual, for basic human rights, and for the personal freedoms of each and every one of us!

Posted by BB on 2007-08-28 11:12:41 GMT

No. In London, but have had server issues. Try again.

Posted by BB on 2007-08-28 10:47:35 GMT

A brilliant article that I hope many muslims study and also a great many misinformed intelectuals in the west.

Posted on 2007-08-28 00:28:16 GMT

Gaye, I have to say, the material you have exposed from the Quran seems like utterly frightening stuff. I can understand how the illiterate and somewhat emotionally dis-functional people coming from cultures promoting such propositions, could see this as a calling. If I were one that had nothing, knew rather little of the world and its wonders, and saw nothing as the most likely sum total of my life, this could be something I could be attracted to. Think of the havoc! Think of the devastation! Yet, the violence and fortitude it requires demands that they group in great masses, re-enforcing their fear and anger, and releasing it in a great rage - a rage, hatred and bitterness they essentially feel regarding the lives they are forced to lead. And regardless if they regret or recant along the way – the psychology of the masses will have been released. And surely, if one beats a person long enough, represses and refuses any form of warmth and love, it shouldn't surprise anyone that this person would become pretty dangerous. And so, in some form of catharsis, these young disenfranchised men and women seriously believe that this is what a life giving deity wishes for them. It becomes their mission. It makes a certain kind of sense, as all the hopelessness, servitude and pain would finally be for a reason. It would finally rationalize our existence, if there is nothing more than that and that is what I have been immersed in from birth. . What a horrible shame, and what horribly misbegotten misunderstanding of the human spirit this represents. How could anyone ultimately believe that any force of the most vast and encompassing kind, an intelligence too great to fathom from a human point of view, and one that truly created all life, would ever want this much death and destruction to be perpetrated by the living, and in his name?

Posted by BB on 2007-08-27 19:24:05 GMT

I disagree that "terrible things were done in the old testiment." Remember, when the 7 nations were expelled from Eretz Yisroel, this was not because of the merits of Benai Yisroel, the Jews. This was solely because the accumulated evils of those people. Moses reminded the Jews again and again of their lack of worthiness, and their being "a stiff necked peoplke." Unlike the Quran, the old testiment cannot be read verbatum. It's a lock. It requires a key - the Talmud. It is codified and considered extirely wrong to be read and interpreted literally. Case in point: "eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:" this is not literal - not by any means. What is meant is that the fore-finger of a violinist and the fore-finger of a lawyer cannot be compensated for equally. The passage is the basis for case specific financial compensation, and whether the damage was deliberate or not. Moreover, while the Old Testiment is certainly responsible for us becoming civilized, i.e. a civilization per se, neither Jews nor Christians (or anyone other than Sadducees and Karites) site the Old Testiment as a verbatum "manifest," word-for-word, for it's ideology, social or political behavior. Therefore, I don't think we should allow a comparitive debate to occur. In the Christian and Jewish religions, the laws of the land prevail in all civil and criminal matters. If we are to argue about the merits of the Quran, as opposed to relevant civil law and the consitutions of each sovereign country, then let's put the Quran on the table, and have a real good look at it. That's the issue here.

Posted by BB on 2007-08-27 07:19:32 GMT

I needed the weekend to consider the one of the questions being debated about the usefulness of knowing the Quran's position on a number of issues. I feel that we're dealing with a political ideology. Unlike the party platforms of all legally sanctioned political parties, we cannot address the leader and architects of that party's ideology. Within a democratic framework, we are then at a distinct disadvantage. Political ideologies constantly address and redress issues that pop up, as they develop, to better define and apply their political perception of socioeconomic realities. What we are told is that the "party leader," the architect is invisible. His values and policies are documented in a manifest called the Quran. As such, party clergy have the particular role of interpreting those platform policies, for 'party members' [read: soldiers] and all those party members are urged to conscript the world into the party, regardless of means. Somehow, I sense our most powerful weapon is to demand that the rules of democracy are upheld to the letter by both parts, not just the one. That demands total openness about exact what that "manifest" is that is diligently sited and trusted, for a deeply scrutinized analysis of the text - as we do when looking at any political movement or ideology and it's specific party platforms. Our greatest weapon may well be that specific ‘manifest,’ the Quran, if it's details are brought to light in an open political and social debate. This is the difference between a debate in Australia and Saudi Arabia. That difference must be emphasized - as long as the debate is conducted in Australia. It's a case of house rules, or more specifically legal jurisdiction. If one on the other hand claims a deification of that jurisdiction, then surely, it includes Australia anyway. We must use democratic principals of full disclosure. It’s a 2 way street and the basis of any social contract. And given our decision to separate church and state, there is no question that theocratic disposition is being proposed, we have the inherent right under that framework, to dissect under full disclosure, the social and political framework being proposed. Information is power. Once politicians and ordinary citizens have the chance to actually read and consider the views, perceptions, policies, and proposals being offered up, it makes our decisions much less emotional, and far more informed. I like to sing. I like to dance. Upon learning that this is frowned upon in any given system of thought, I make my decisions accordingly. This put quite simply is how legislators operate.. Democracy insists on a common playing field. We should be insisting on our legislators having a far better awareness of the "party manifest," that Islamists, and if Dr. Sultan is correct, much of the Islamic world, adheres to.

Posted by BB on 2007-08-26 16:31:35 GMT

MM: "What we can do is take them away from from its evil teachings and their evil leaderships!" Sounds good. What's your plan?

Posted by BB on 2007-08-24 12:22:40 GMT

MM, while I agree with you on a practical level, we know there are many roads to Rome. Any doctor will tell us that without understanding the source of a disease, you will never cure it - you merely deal with the symptoms. This isn't about a power structure instinctively resisting change. We need to understand why Islamists feel it's justified to maim and kill, in the name of Islam - not just stopping them here and now from doing so. And when the claim is made that all Muslims have some intimate empathy for those heinous acts of violence, it's incumbent upon us to determine if that's true, and if so, why. As we see, once a human being becomes a "guided missile," there is no defense. Nor, can we cannot just send 1/6th of the planet's population "away." Islam is here to stay. To understand why the illiterate Arabic masses have such a harsh anti-human view of life - while possessing so much wealth - is at the core of what's being debated here, in all its facets. Know thine enemy! The fact that 1.3 billion people adhere to Islam, makes it an historical imperative, in my opinion, to gain a specific insight into the doctrines that guide them passionately and violently to our doorstep.

Posted by Brian on 2007-08-23 16:06:18 GMT

Dr. Sultan's article reminds me a bit of a movie, where under cover operatives are hypnotized, sent to the free world. They receive a phone call years later, with a coded message. The operatives immediately begin their mission of death and destruction, fulfilling our greatest nightmare. I'm not sure if I fully agree with her, but I do believe that amongst every 100 people there are 4-5 very, very smart persons. Amongst every 1000 people there is an actual genius. If those 1000 people were to organize, on the basis of the 40-50 individuals capable of leading with tremendous motivation, and without fear of death, with a threatening ideological plan, this is frightening. Divide the 1.3 billion members of the Islamic world with this factor, and look forward in time. This is why I believe there is sufficient basis to be very, very concerned. The Nazi's were also fervent zealots, in deep ‘belief’ of their cause. God was also on their side. Unfortunately, the Nazi’s created strong ally relationships with various Islamic leaders, uniting in their hatred of Jews, under the banner of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Whether Dr. Sultan is over exaggerating the case, I cannot say. Only time will tell. I personally believe that we need to confront Muslim leaders, the greater Islamic community, Arabic nations, and our own political and legislative representatives with their responsibility, in the face of this threat to democracy and freedom. Dr. Sultan should really direct her efforts as much to the greater Islamic community, as to the West. Unfortunately, being critical of Islam amongst Muslims is a life threatening occupation – even for a psychiatrist. But, it shouldn't surprise anyone that nations and ideologies characterized by psycho-sexual repression, violence, sociopathic world views, and somewhat pubescent ontological insecurities are thus driven by envy, spite are also completely focused on men, and their simple lusts. Even as a man I can recognize that. Surely, the Western world has a long way to go as well, but Western cultures are far further along that road, and our progress bears witness to that fact. This is not the case within Islam. Islam is built on fear. Fear of God, fear of punishment, fear of freedom, fear of women. Instead of a man learning to control and socialize his sexual impulses, he forces a woman to cover herself from head to toe – which would be perfectly analogous to covering and encasing our cities and roads with leather, rather than putting shoes on our feet. The Islamic world denies the equal protection by law and ethics of women, and thus denies them their basic human rights. So, long before we should be speaking to the governments of Russia or China about their abuses of human rights, we should be addressing the mothers – and mother’s to be - of every child in the Islamic world, i.e. some 650.000.000 women, and demanding from their governments their inalienable rights and freedoms to pursue what makes them happy, and their full access to the decision making process of their society. Brutality and dogma will have to govern in a world where women have no choice, or voice. It was the case in medieval Europe, and it's the case in every Islamic nation, i.e. Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, etc. etc. Nothing will change until the world insists that women are granted human rights with the Islamic world – and not as suicide bombers, or willing participants or captives within their own structural repression, but as equals, or in fact, our “better half.” They are the component all societies need. They are the component that political ideology lacks. Islam has omitted the touch of mother's love and wisdom. Compound that through 1400 years, add a billion impoverished people, add general illiteracy and hate propaganda in their schools, give their clergy and royalty unbridled control, hand governmental control from father to son, place oil resources and petro-dollars at their feet, and armies in their women’s bellies, and you have what we have today: the greatest threat to mankind since Nazi Germany. It doesn't take a genius, or a psychiatrist, to recognize that.

Posted by Brian on 2007-08-22 07:23:31 GMT

She needs to speak to the Moslem comunity, not to us really

Posted by Ike Brajtman on 2007-08-22 01:41:19 GMT

My question is this. Why did the Australian Government feel they had to 'sneak Wafta Sultan in'?

Posted by Jenny on 2007-08-22 00:45:27 GMT

Long may Wafa have the courage and strength to drag Islam - Fourteen centuries is a long and arduous path toward reason enlightenment and modernity.

Posted by Franita on 2007-08-21 23:32:29 GMT