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Dawkin’s views on the Jewish Lobby

Meyer came across an article in the Guardian about Professor Richard Dawkins' activities in trying to raise an "atheist lobby". (Well, it was actually an article by David Finkelstein in the Times Comment Central "Dawkins on the power of the Jews" about an article by Ewen MacAskell in the Guardian "Atheists Arise" )

I must admit I've never been a great admirer of Dawkins, but he is a generally respected authority on things because of his insistence on the necessity for "scientific proof" in order to have "certainty" on any issue.

Well, blow me down, Dawkins says:

"When you think about how fantastically successful the Jewish lobby has been, though, in fact, they are less numerous I am told - religious Jews anyway - than atheists and [yet they] more or less monopolise American foreign policy as far as many people can see. So if atheists could achieve a small fraction of that influence, the world would be a better place."

Note the rigourous scientific evidence on which his claim is based:

"... I am told .."

" far as many people can see ..."

If that which "many people can see" is sufficient evidence for the truth of an abstract claim, I don't see why Dawkins has a such problem with the existence of God!

Comments welcome.

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Hi Ralph I won't get embroiled in this at the moment, though broadly I have similar views on religion & science to those of Dawkins (though I will certainly have no truck with anti-semitism). So on a point of detail, Finkelstein's actual forename is not "David" but "Daniel" or "Danny". Very best wishes John B

Posted by John B on 2007-10-17 21:38:15 GMT

Hi Ralph I won't get embroiled in this at the moment, though broadly I have similar views on religion & science to those of Dawkins (though I will certainly have no truck with anti-semitism). So on a point of detail, Finkelstein's actual forename is not "David" but "Daniel" or "Danny". Very best wishes John B

Posted by John B on 2007-10-17 21:34:34 GMT

Just how ignorant this unpleasant Dawkins is! Doesn't he know that the leadership of both the Soviet Union and the Chinese Maoists HAD to be atheistic to achieve their positions? And what a nice job they all did for human improvement!

Posted by Barrie on 2007-10-15 07:34:24 GMT

Actually Dawkins' line of argumentation in the quote is fascinating. As Ralph points, out Dawkins relies on rumour (so scientific!), on the "it is well known" fallacy. He then attributes to Jews a mysterious power that he cannot fathom, but would like to emulate. For all his scientific sneering, Dawkins is a superstitious bigot and anti-Semite. He thus destroys his own argument.

Posted by paul2 on 2007-10-12 13:32:47 GMT

Sadly, Dawkins is in the dark about the "powerful Jewish Lobby." I only wish "TO GOD" that it was true. Meanwhile, read any Jewish obituary page - an abundance of ordinary jobs, middle class people --Oh,oh, I know, the POWERFUL ones are hiding.... Stupidity reigns, so does prejudice....

Posted by Roberta E. Dzubow on 2007-10-11 16:51:01 GMT

As a Jewish agnotic I am very disturbed that a man of Dawkins stature can with a few stupid statements destroy my agnnostism !

Posted by Ike Brajtman on 2007-10-11 13:11:50 GMT

Dee, ICJS is non partisan in approach...our site is for information and opinion which delivers..what we like to think is...valuable, topical, educational and important be discussed and considered honestly and intelligently. Cheers

Posted by Ronit on 2007-10-11 04:38:07 GMT

When Jewish supporters of Israel make up less than 1% of the US, the very idea that those chosen by the people for their leadership are waiting around to be told what to do by this teeny lobby, is nothing short of laughably insulting. Ironically, it seems that the "Jewish Lobby" derives all of its power from the giagantic size of the myth that it really has power (much like the Wizard of Oz). It makes people forget the number of times America has forced Israel to act against her best interests.

Posted by Morry on 2007-10-11 04:21:44 GMT

If Jews were really so much more influential than all the atheists doesn't that tell you something. What is wrong with the atheists what about Jewish atheists, is there a supernatural power supporting the minority Jews? Logically he should be wondering what the atheists are doing wrong.

Posted by Peter Cohen on 2007-10-11 03:36:54 GMT

sounds like an anti-Semite, looks like an anti-Semite, and smells like an anti-Semite ....

Posted on 2007-10-11 03:26:09 GMT

Great article and I will probably link back to you on my blog tonight. To be honest, I haven't visited your blog since I found out you support Kevin Rudd. Glad to hear you're on track with Dawkins. He's also made some shockingly condescending and naive statements about Americans who believe in God (91 percent of the country according to a poll).

Posted by Dee on 2007-10-11 03:23:59 GMT