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Isi Leibler’s scathing words on Israel’s leadership

Isi Leibler is interviewed on Israel National Radio. He speaks about the obsession which the current leadership has with "staying in office" as an end in itself.

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An excellent interview. The only matters he failed to touch on were the foreign funded anti-Zionist groups and the post-Zionist judiciary.

Posted by paul2 on 2008-01-29 14:26:41 GMT

Today's political news in Israel describes the attempts of former Member of Kenesset Omri Sharon, son of former PM Ariel Sharon, to avoid beginning his prison sentence on a corruption conviction. Israel gets new headlines like this every day. Israelis have a very poor understanding of 'democracy'. The English word 'accountability' does not exist in Hebrew because the concept itself does not exist in Israel. Accountability is one of the foundation-stones of a properly functioning democracy and Israel has no such thing. PM Olmert (like so many other Israeli "leaders") refuses to take responsibility for any of his actions, rejects any accounting of his record and demands to stay in power irrespective of the cost to the public. Instead of managing the country, his prime efforts and main investment in time and resources are in keeping himself in power (and out of prison). The same was true of Amir Peretz and Dan Chalutz (among others), both of whom performed with severe deficiencies and were forced to leave office. Supporters of Israel outside should be much more vocal in demanding accountability from Israel - in how their donation dollars are spent, in how their political support is squandered, in how their own reputations as good and honest people is sullied by the crooks in the Knesset. It's high time to demand accountability and a true democracy in the Jewish State.

Posted by Jake in Jerusalem on 2008-01-29 10:15:42 GMT