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Baruch Dayan Ha'emet - Ronit’s father passed away

Ronit's father, Mr Mark Munzer (Moshe Ben Chaim Yitzchak Halevi a'h) passed away Shushan Purim 15 Adar 5769.

The family is sitting Shiva at 27 Grange Rd Toorak until Wednesday morning 18th March 2009.

If further information becomes available it will be posted to this page. If you want to leave a condolence message feel free to do so ==>

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Dear Ronit and family, I"m so sorry to hear about the passing of your father. I don"t believe I ever met him but I know he was a kind and generous man, as I have fond memories of riding his car to my wedding; which he lent us as a favour, even though he didn"t have any personal connection with me, the young bride. This is true ahavat yisrael, doing a good deed for someone you don"t even know. I wish you and your family long life and only future simchas, may you find much comfort in this sad time. Hanna Brook (Rafael)

Posted on 2009-03-18 10:51:09 GMT

Dear Ronit we are saddened to hear of the loss of your father. May his blessed memory live long for you and the family. We trust HaShem will give you the strength needed at this time.

Posted by Philip Hammond Biblical Witness for Israel. on 2009-03-12 03:50:32 GMT

Dear Ronit, In my own grieving at this time for the loss of my mother, I send you heartfelt thoughts for the loss of your father. We have been blessed to have special parents. I wish you a long life. Elaine

Posted by Elaine Black on 2009-03-12 00:16:14 GMT

Dear Ronit May you be comforted amongst all who mourn for Zion and Yerushalaim, and may your father"s memory be for a blessing on all your family and Klal Yisrael.

Posted by Steve Lieblich on 2009-03-11 14:40:04 GMT

A good life lives on in the memory of many people

Posted by John Ray on 2009-03-11 11:21:49 GMT

We"re very sorry to hear of your father"s passing. We remember him as a most vibrant and enterprising person, with a great sense of living life fully. Wishing you a long life. Vera and Moish Hasen

Posted by Vera and Moishe on 2009-03-11 11:15:36 GMT

Dear Ronit, I wish you long life on the sad occasion of your father"s death.

Posted by paul2 on 2009-03-11 11:14:48 GMT

Dear Ronit, So sorry to hear of your father"s passing. Nothing can replace the blessings of a good Dad. And thank you for all that you are doing to inform us all.

Posted by Anna W on 2009-03-11 11:03:00 GMT

Ronit, I"m very sorry to hear of your father"s passing. I presume he was not young, but we are granted relatively few first-degree family members in life, and whenever their time with us comes to an end it"s a shocking adjustment. In Jewish tradition as you know, we are accustomed to say "Hamakom yenachem et"chem b"toch sha"ar aveilei Zion uv"Yerushalayim". Your family"s connection and yours to Zion and Yerushalayim need no elaboration. I feel sure your father"s passing will leave a large vacuum. I wish you the strength and calm to pass through this period of loss and mourning and the ability to draw on your memories of his positive involvement in your life. Good wishes Arnold

Posted by Arnold Roth (Jerusalem) on 2009-03-11 09:37:40 GMT

Dear Ronit, So sorry to hear of your dear father"s passing. He was larger than life and it is hard to believe that he has gone. At least he will be at peace. HaMakom yenachem etchem betoch aveilei Tzion veYerushalayim. Shyrla and Shlomie

Posted by Shyrla on 2009-03-11 09:04:52 GMT

Ronit, hi So, so sorry for your loss !! From Israel

Posted by Sanda Abramovici-Lam on 2009-03-11 08:06:16 GMT

Dear Ronit - we were so sad to hear of your father"s passing. May Hashem grant all comfort and strength to you in these days. Blessings! Mark and Debby Durie

Posted by Mark Durie on 2009-03-11 08:06:00 GMT

Ronit, I'm really sorry to hear about your father's passing.May Hashem comfort you & you should have only simchas & good health in your family.

Posted by Reuven Blecher on 2009-03-11 07:48:41 GMT

Dear Ronit, May you and yours know only health and peace in the time ahead. warmest wishes..

Posted by Marcia Pinskier on 2009-03-11 07:46:02 GMT

Hamakom Yenachem otach bekerev aveeili zion viyeruslayim

Posted by Y.K. on 2009-03-11 07:44:56 GMT

Dear Ronit, I am sorry to hear of your father"s passing. I wish you and your family a long and healthy life.

Posted by Gloria Perelberg on 2009-03-11 07:43:46 GMT

My late parents knew your father very well and I believe he was a wonderful man Hashem should comfort you Besorot tovot Ella

Posted on 2009-03-11 06:57:02 GMT

Dear Ronit May u b comforted along with all the mourners of Zion and Yerushalyim. Being a member at ChabAD Malvern I would see your late father when ever he was at shul. And ofcourse his was the first sefer Torah donated to the shul.I remember that day very well Sincerely Morri Wolko(wicz)

Posted on 2009-03-11 06:44:23 GMT

Please pass on my condolences to Ronit and family and tell her I wish her and everyone in the family a long life. I had not seen Mark for many years but I know how important he was to all their lives.

Posted by Magda on 2009-03-11 05:48:03 GMT

Deepest condolences to you on the loss of your father. Warm wishes,

Posted by Nicky Jacobs on 2009-03-11 05:47:02 GMT

Our thoughts are with you and our arms are around you at this sad time. May the memories you have of your beloved father, and the special relationship you had with him, be a comfort to you in time to come. We wish you and your loved ones  long life.

Posted by Love, Janiece and Nathan on 2009-03-11 05:46:13 GMT

Baruch Dayan Ha"emet. We wish you long life, for your wonderful work. Best wishes Saul & Isabella

Posted on 2009-03-11 05:15:41 GMT

Dear Roniti. My heart goes out to you at this time of your loss. I know how devoted you were to your beloved and respected father. No parent could have asked for a more caring, loving and attentive daughter than you have been to both of your parents. In the days to come you will find comfort in the knowledge that you did all you could have done to prolong and enhance his life. I wish that your mother, you, Danny, Tamar and Gabriel, Vivienne, Julian Jessie and Amnon find comfort in a generous life well lived. I wish you all long life.

Posted by Franita on 2009-03-11 04:24:03 GMT