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Netanyahu to Israeli press after UN Speech

Here is a link to Bibi's interview in the Israeli press after his presentation to the United Nations.  He explains what inspired (and inspires) him.

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Tell us what you think

thank u 4 sharing with us this take.

Posted on 2009-09-30 05:32:06 GMT

Bravo, he knows his craft.

Posted on 2009-09-30 01:09:19 GMT

FANTASTIC!! B"H Thanks for posting this!

Posted by Allyson Rowen Taylor - Z Street on 2009-09-30 00:41:57 GMT

The Lubavitch Rebbe was, and is, still regarded as having great foresight and insight beyond normal expectations. When he died 12,000 attended his funeral. His advice to Bibi was and is the best path to follow. Bibi"s wonderful speech shows how important and useful The Rebbe"s words were. May the wisdom imparted to Bibi continue to keep him, and Israel, strong.

Posted by Roberta on 2009-09-29 19:21:25 GMT

Bibi is a great speaker He should have the strength and resolution to fulfil his promises and not be pressured by the US

Posted by Ella on 2009-09-29 10:07:54 GMT

Ymr you could not see that I was sarcastic about \"political correctness\" that I always hated?

Posted by E.E on 2009-09-29 09:11:57 GMT

Tell the truth??? Comon BIBI where is your political correctness?

Posted by E.E on 2009-09-29 07:44:19 GMT