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Invitation to hear Mark Durie

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Mark Durie discusses the most crucial challenges of our times. His clarity and impressive knowledge provides his audiences with an understanding of the concepts ofjihad and dhimmitude, two fundamental institutions of Islam that continue to shape relations between Muslims and non-Muslims today.


ICJS Research is proud to present an evening with Dr Mark Durie


Thursday February 4th, 2010

at  8 pm sharp

Venue: (Melbourne) to be advised
Please book early to reserve your place.

For people who don't have internet

This event is advertised primarily through the internet. Each person who books tickets will need to provide a valid email address.  This is very important: if you know of people who DONT have an email address, please get them to call ICJS on 0413 813345 or 0416 213943 so that we can make the bookings on their behalf.

For people not on our mailing list

Please forward this web address:

to ANYONE you know who may be interested in attending.

Help the online community to make this an overwhelming success.

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Islam Dhimmitude and Freedom

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