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The daily news Episode 10 - ICJS Radio program

This is a recording of an interview with Adam Goodvach, who works with Muslims and studies Islam. Adam is a paid consultant to the Centre for Excellence in Islamic studies. He believes that Australia has a unique opportunity integrate Muslims, and Australians have nothing to be worried about with regard to true (he shies away from the word 'moderate') muslims here. He believes all the media talk about Islamic terrorism, and Sharia law is simply a beat-up. Listen to the interview by clicking below.

What do you think? Is he a lone voice of common sense and reason, or is he an apologist for Islam? Tell us by leaving a comment in the box to the right ===> If you do not see a box for comments along the right, it means you need to register before you can make a comment.

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Please pass the bowl, I feel quite ill. I was unable to listen to more than a few minutes of this mis-guided nonsense How in all seriousness, can Adam Goodvach, supposedly who’s a ‘nice Jewish boy’, even consider that any country can co-exist with Islam, and furthermore that Australians have nothing to be worried about? The mind boggles. Two days ago in the Herald Sun, there was an article on this very issue. It received more replies than I have ever seen. 449 published, which means there would have been many more. From the 449 only 3 or 4 people said they had no issue with Islam and integration Has he seen what is happening in Europe and Scandinavia,? It’s only a matter of time before there is wholesale bloodshed there Islam is a totalitarian, religious and misogynist ideology. It cannot co-exist within our democratic system. I won’t post quotes here from the Koran, the Sura or Hadith, where instructions are clearly given what to do with Jews and Christians - and all kaffar for that matter too Islam demands and demands. We already have segregated swimming pools, Muslim only washrooms and toilets, Muslims who won’t work with women, Muslims demanding that this country, which has its roots in Christianity, not display signs of that religion. A few days ago, I heard that a Muslim demanded a Crucifix be removed from the wall in his room, in a Catholic hospital.!! He works as a paid consultant to the Centre for Excellence in Islamic studies. The centre that produced a book, to indoctrinate our children who have been raised according to Judaic/Christian values, into the ways of Islam “Learning from One Another: Bringing Muslim perspectives into Australian schools” This book, I might add has a great deal of misinformation Here’s a good insight into this abominable book

Posted by Shirlee on 2011-04-06 05:57:21 GMT

Remember Bali and Abu Bakar Bashir vis a vis Indonesia....?

Posted by Danny  on 2011-04-06 02:56:21 GMT

To Libby Mitchell - are the Sudanese people you know on Facebook so fearful of the extremists that they are too scared to speak out about it?
Because a lot of Non-muslims do speak of their fears, and they"d be re-assured if they also heard practicing Muslims speak out about it.

Posted on 2011-04-06 01:51:11 GMT

The Centre for Excellence in Islamic Studies is an oxymoron. Islam is not and has never been "multicultural" and can"t be. Adam has never heard of taqiyya. The Reliance of the Traveller states lying is obligatory to advance Islam.

Posted by Daniel Moriah on 2011-04-06 00:34:42 GMT

Can he really have never heard of the phrase “Islam or the sword”? Islam entered SE Asia peacefully but it was brutal in Africa; there were many wars in Arabia, and the Europeans were terrified of them. But hey, I am not a paid academic at a prestigious  Uni.

Posted by Fiona on 2011-04-05 23:06:15 GMT

Adam Goodvach is beholden to Muslims as they are supervising his higher degree and paying him for his consultancy etc. He is therefore likely to be rather a"kept" man, and the chances of him learning about or exposing anything nasty is very slim. He is not an impartial expert nor is he able to criticise freely. It would ruin his career. Hence his need to turn a blind eye to the inherent dangers of Islam, especially as the Muslim population grows. As we have seen in Europe and elsewhere,there is a direct correlation between Islam and violence, and it increases in relation to increasing demographics. Rotten ideologies kill, as history has shown, and masking it under the cloak of religion makes it even worse and "untouchable".

Posted on 2011-04-05 18:03:21 GMT

I agree with Adam Goodvach. I speak with A number of Muslims, mostly Sudanese, via Facebook. These people have exactly the same concerns and fears that we hold about extremist activities and beliefs. This Anti- Muslims propaganda must be stopped.

Posted by Libby Mitchell on 2011-04-05 16:13:38 GMT

He lost me completely when he said in context how hard it is to explain to his muslim friends the difference between blowing up a house in which there is a terrorist (IDF action) and one in which there is no terrorist (Hamas action). Is he for real?

Posted by Saruman on 2011-04-05 12:26:07 GMT

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I don"t rightly know where to start. I"m sure Adam believes what he says, but has clearly not been very critical in his wholeheartedd acceptance of what is, at best, nonsense. Let me focus on two things only. One of the first things he spoke about was the benign succession to Mohammed. The reality is that it was violent, bloody and generated an irreparable rift in Islam, between the Sunnis and the Shiah. Mohammed himself (and you get get more "traditional Islam" than that) was a warrior into conquest and mass executions. Islam itself is a missionary religion which has always imposed Islam by the sword (whenever that was an option ... and that"s the crux). Yes, Muslims are very friendly hospitable people, and for Adam Goodvach that is clearly enough. He claims that all they want is to integrate. Were it that simple, they would freely do the one thing Australians ask, condemn the violence that is "not in their name". Contrary to what he says, you don"t need a gathering of clerics to condemn ... each cleric can do that from the compfort of his own pulpit (aside from which 70 clerics in world Islamic terms is patently ridiculous). As an illustration, if you look at the two times that Jews have killed Moslems in the nearest thing we have to terrorist acts (crazies who are not ideologically driven ... terrorists? Maybe), the one thing that was clear is that their actions were condemned by every part of Israeli society and from avery rabbinic pulpit the world over. That is not an unreasonable response to expect, especially from people who know that thei neighbours are concerned, and mistrust them for their lack of condemnation. Rather than condemn, what I hear are justifications ... and, yes, I have gone to hear foremost Muslim clerics speak on the subject. I have to admit to being horrified, when asked directly if they condemn terrorist acts, to hear them say "these people are being oppressed and humiliated and have the right to resist". Yes Egypt is a country of Muslims ... but Iran is a Muslim country that lives by Sha"ariah. Rather than look to Egypt, or Iraq, it is Iran that Adam Goodvach should have looked to in order to explain the political nature of Islam. Islam is wholly political. Unlike Christianity, whose faith can readily be divorced from your daily life, Islam rules each and every aspect of daily life. That is the basis of the conflict with democracy, in which we have the absolute temerity to suggest that man decides, and not God. It is the basis of the hatred for the US, which is seen as the harbinger of democracy, and it is the basis of the hatred of Israel, the corrupter of the divine in the Middle East ... the "little Satan" as opposed to America, the "big Satan". There isn"t enough space or time to address the full gamut of what amounts to a solid misdirection of what Islam is, and I"m sure if we, too, spoke to Muslims on these topics, these are the arguments we would be fed. Traditional Islam sought to conquer the entire world. Traditional Islam sees the world in terms of "Dar el Islam" and "Dar el Harab" ... "the realm of Islam (peace, submission - in Islam these two are one and the same)" and the "realm of the sword". To truly understand what this means you need go no further than the Hamas Charter which clearly sets it out. "Peace in the Middle East for Jews, Christians and Muslims is only possible under the wing of Islam. Anything else is war".

Posted by Morry on 2011-05-17 08:28:29 GMT

He knows so little, and knows it so fluently - Ellen Glascow

Posted on 2011-04-18 06:44:52 GMT

Please pass the bowl, I feel quite ill. I was unable to listen to more than a few minutes of this mis-guided nonsense How in all seriousness, can Adam Goodvach, supposedly who’s a ‘nice Jewish boy’, even consider that any country can co-exist with Islam, and furthermore that Australians have nothing to be worried about? The mind boggles. Two days ago in the Herald Sun, there was an article on this very issue. It received more replies than I have ever seen. 449 published, which means there would have been many more. From the 449 only 3 or 4 people said they had no issue with Islam and integration Has he seen what is happening in Europe and Scandinavia,? It’s only a matter of time before there is wholesale bloodshed there Islam is a totalitarian, religious and misogynist ideology. It cannot co-exist within our democratic system. I won’t post quotes here from the Koran, the Sura or Hadith, where instructions are clearly given what to do with Jews and Christians - and all kaffar for that matter too Islam demands and demands. We already have segregated swimming pools, Muslim only washrooms and toilets, Muslims who won’t work with women, Muslims demanding that this country, which has its roots in Christianity, not display signs of that religion. A few days ago, I heard that a Muslim demanded a Crucifix be removed from the wall in his room, in a Catholic hospital.!! He works as a paid consultant to the Centre for Excellence in Islamic studies. The centre that produced a book, to indoctrinate our children who have been raised according to Judaic/Christian values, into the ways of Islam “Learning from One Another: Bringing Muslim perspectives into Australian schools” This book, I might add has a great deal of misinformation Here’s a good insight into this abominable book

Posted by Shirlee on 2011-04-06 05:57:21 GMT

Remember Bali and Abu Bakar Bashir vis a vis Indonesia....?

Posted by Danny on 2011-04-06 02:56:21 GMT

To Libby Mitchell - are the Sudanese people you know on Facebook so fearful of the extremists that they are too scared to speak out about it?
Because a lot of Non-muslims do speak of their fears, and they"d be re-assured if they also heard practicing Muslims speak out about it.

Posted on 2011-04-06 01:51:11 GMT

The Centre for Excellence in Islamic Studies is an oxymoron. Islam is not and has never been "multicultural" and can"t be. Adam has never heard of taqiyya. The Reliance of the Traveller states lying is obligatory to advance Islam.

Posted by Daniel Moriah on 2011-04-06 00:34:42 GMT

Can he really have never heard of the phrase “Islam or the sword”? Islam entered SE Asia peacefully but it was brutal in Africa; there were many wars in Arabia, and the Europeans were terrified of them. But hey, I am not a paid academic at a prestigious  Uni.

Posted by Fiona on 2011-04-05 23:06:15 GMT

He lost me completely when he said in context how hard it is to explain to his muslim friends the difference between blowing up a house in which there is a terrorist (IDF action) and one in which there is no terrorist (Hamas action). Is he for real?

Posted by Saruman on 2011-04-05 12:26:07 GMT