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Left Media sanitizes Hamas genocide plans

New York Times Jerusalem bureau chief Jodi Rudoren spent some time in Gaza during the eight-day Hamas-Israel war - an experience that left her smitten with the family of Ahmed al-Jabari, Hamas's top military commander who was killed in an Israeli airstrike.

In a dispatch, headlined "Life in Gaza's Courtyards: Displays of Pride and Sacrifice" (Nov. 23, page A11), Rudoren points to graffiti on the walls of Jabari's neighborhood that testify to his great popularity. "The colorful Arabic script reads 'Welcome haiji, Abu Muhammad,' a reference to Mr. Jabari's return from a pilgrimage to Mecca," she writes.

Rudoren goes on to report how portraits of Jabari were held high in "jubilant celebrations" after the cease-fire took effect, while his widow, mother and sister sat in the family courtyard surrounded by relatives, "praising God." And readers are told how one of Jabari's two wives remarked that "Allah gives him a big honor because he is going to go to paradise, thanks for God for all this."

In a similar vein, Rudoren waxes lyrical in painting a picture of women in the neighborhood sitting in plastic chairs in a rectangle, "wearing brown or black abayas and plain white or gray head scarves," while children "scurried in and out, and Jabari's mother held a tiny one in her arms."

So touching and compelling is this scene in Rudoren's effusive ode to Jabari and his family that she somehow forgets to mention that Jabari, as head of Hamas's terrorist wing, directed numerous lethal attacks on Israelis, including suicide bombings, during the second intifada. Not a word about his role in the deaths of hundreds of Israeli civilians.

Instead, Rudoren transforms this mass killer into a peaceful pilgrim to Mecca adored by his wives and other relatives. Her affectionate portrayal of Jabari and his family recall similarly nauseating pictures of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun in innocent family settings.

As for the Washington Post, which also hasn't lacked for cheerleading of Hamas, there appears in the Nov. 23 edition a lengthy speculative article by its Jerusalem bureau chief, Karyn Brulliard, about the pluses and minuses for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the wake of the eight-day war, ("Cease-fire has benefits and risks for Netanyahu" front page).

Much of the speculation is just that - the political fallout in Israel, the implications for Iran's looming development of nuclear weapons, the effect on the peace process, etc. Generally harmless conjectures, except when Brulliard sums up her piece with a nasty shot at Bibi: "Although Netanyahu says he supports a two-state solution, he has shown scant enthusiasm for peace talks that would lead to one."

"Scant enthusiasm for peace talks" on Bibi's part? This is the same prime minister who for many months repeatedly has begged Mahmoud Abbas to return to the negotiating table, only to be rebuffed time and again by the Palestinians leader, who runs away from negotiations like the plague.

But for Brulliard, the temptation apparently was too great to finish with a zinger of an anti-Israel poison pill

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On re-reading the item two other thoughts struck me. Jewish leaders should denounce media bias, demonstrate in front of media headquarters and if need be, place ads setting out the issues and not hold back from letting the jihadis have it with both barrels. The other thought is that while agonising over advocacy journalism, our oh-so-highminded leaders have failed to attack the universities which have turned into centres of anti-Western and anti-Israel indoctrination.

Posted by paul2 on 2012-11-27 10:40:15 GMT

I lived in country,wich ruled by idealogy(ussr).For last four years, whot I sow in USA more &more -remane me soviet press,name,like "New York Times","Washington Post"&etc.Perfect example-"Bengazi":ambasedor&3 other was raped&killed, it all over internet, date-9/11.But because"Obama kill Osama"&Alcaida no more-it's movie gilty,not pipil,broke any INTERNATILAL LOW and moral STANDART.An adult with strate face told on TV, publish artical.Are you surprise how they show 1500 rocket ,5 kill&dozens wounded -Israel agretion.

Posted on 2012-11-27 02:47:29 GMT

It is indeed sickening that the ideologues who populate our media display so little professionalism and morality that they portray monsters as just loving family folk cruelly harmed by Nazilike Jews while relaxing after work when they should have been safe and secure. The comment about Bibi not supporting a two-state solution is partly correct. NOt only have the mohammedans repeatedly shown that they do not want a two state solution, but in their heart of hearts neither do most Israelis after their recent experiences with the jihadis. The jihadis' problem is in shifting the blame for the failure to give the Pals a state from themselves to Bibi. Bibi was pressured to declare his support for a two-state solution and he made the declaration betting on his hunch that the Pals would not accept it. Turns out, he was right.

Posted by paul2 on 2012-11-26 00:55:57 GMT

Posted on 2012-11-25 15:33:58 GMT