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The ancient Jew-hatred returns

The anti-Semitism behind the rallies against Israel is unmistakable.

Here are protesters in Melbourne last weekend:



Note the caricature of Abbott on the right:


This cartoon, used by the Sydney Morning Herald to advertise more poison from Mike Carlton, trades on some dangerously familiar stereotypes, too:




Why does the Left only protest when Muslims are killed by Jews?

After all, Muslims are killing Muslims far more horribly:

Newly-released video footage shows the ISIL Takfiri terrorists summarily executing at least 50 Syrian government soldiers in the troubled northern Syria.

Muslims are killing Muslims in far greater numbers:

More than 700 people were killed in Syria over the course of Thursday and Friday, in what activists say were the bloodiest 48 hours of fighting in the conflict to date.

Muslims are eradicating Christians:

ISIS, which recently changed its name to Islamic State, gave Christians in Iraq’s northern city an ultimatum last week to convert to Islam, pay a religious tax or be killed, forcing hundreds of families to flee and tearing apart a community that has existed since the earliest days of Christianity. The militants spray-painted Christian houses with the Arabic letter “N” for “Nasrani,” or “Christian,” to identify them.

Yet the only killing in the wide world that protesters in Australia condemned last weekend was Jews fighting back against the terrorists who have fired more than 2000 rockets at Israeli civilians.

Why this so-selective outrage? I can think of only one credible explanation, and it’s deeply sinister.

(Thanks to readers Daniel and J.)

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