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More Palestinians killed in internal strife this year

For the first time since the start of the intifada, more Palestinians have been killed in internal violence since the start of the year than those who have died in clashes with Israel, according to an official report published Thursday.

In the report, the Palestinian Authority′s Interior Ministry cited 219 deaths as a result of inner-Palestinian violence compared to 218 deaths at the hands of Israeli security forces over the course of the first nine months of this year. The statistics reflect the relative calm in the territories vis-a-vis Israel as well as the increasing anarchy in PA-controlled areas.

The ministry, which oversees the PA′s security services, argued that the data speaks to the dangers inherent in the deteriorating security situation within the PA. It called on all the factions within the PA to support efforts in enforcing the law.

The PA added that the security services are trying to cope with two main challenges in establishing law and order - crime and domestic violence within families, and the activities of armed groups and factions in the territories.

Israel has agreed to allow Palestinian Authority civilian policemen in the West Bank town of Tul Karm to carry arms as part of the PA′s efforts to rein in the growing anarchy in the territories.

PA civilian police have been authorized to carry weapons in all West Bank towns except for Tul Karm. The ban, which has been in place for months due to recent suicide bombings which were carried out by Palestinians who lived in and operated from Tul Karm, was lifted two weeks ago.

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