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Philosophy & Morality

How Not to Combat Antisemitism by Elkana Shmotkin - from the Rebbe

dehj12356545.png?_i=_n504bc99dd0473598aae3bcdc5d75568d.png What doesn't work to combat antisemitism, compiled by Elkana Shmotkin based on teachings of R Menachem Mendel Schneerson OBM, from Chabad ...
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Bari Weiss: 'History has come for Israel, it’s come for Ukraine and it will come for the West next' by Zoe Strimpel

bariweiss.png All know of Bari Weiss. Here is an interview in The Telegraph ...
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Empty Words by ICJS Edittors

Empty words on antisemitism from our Australian leaders ...
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Why the silence over anti-Semitism among our doctors? by Sarah B

8fb06358723371fe7b665321d8523636?width=1280.png In the great repository of Jewish law, the Talmud says: “The best doctors are destined for hell.” ...
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Regulator urged to intervene as doctors post increasingly extreme comments online over Gaza by Natasha Robinson

5b39e75f62e2583bb6f1a98933329cfd?width=1280.png Australia’s medical regulator is under pressure to take immediate action to crack down on anti-­Semitic comments being published on social media by doctors who are comparing Jews to Nazis and comparing Gaza to Nazi concentration camps. ...
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Hamas’s forever war against Israel has a glitch, and it isn’t Iron Dome by Haviv Rettig Gur

ap21141308830386-e1621598302743-1024x640.png Why Hamas promises another war soon, and another and another. And why it won’t work ...
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Major Israeli study finds Pfizer jab 94 per cent effective in ‘real world’ use by Paul Nuki

telemmglpict000247183320_trans_nvbqzqnjv4bq1qk9fs0wd7qu0edcddqwlutobukgz014y3elo The results, which were carefully controlled and cover 1.2m people, are better than expected and likely to improve as more data comes in ...
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Revealed: how Mossad eliminated Mohsen Fakhrizadeh by Jake Wallis Simonss

gettyimages_1229869332_1_.jpg?auto=compress.enhance.format_xtr_crop=faces.entrop The plot took eight months to plan and execute; it was carried out without American support or approval, with only the subtlest of warnings given to Washington in advance; and it was undertaken by a large team of more than 20 spies and agents, some of whom were Israeli nationals operating undercover on the ground in Tehran. ...
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I.C.C. rules it has jurisdiction to examine possible Israel war crimes by Isabel Kershner

merlin_99310513_df03dac8-4bd5-446c-8b6a-b72f5d8656fd-articlelarge.jpg?quality=75 The International Criminal Court on Friday said it has the authority to investigate alleged crimes in the occupied territories, in a ruling condemned by Israel and praised by Palestinians. ...
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Guidance regarding COVID-9 vaccine by OU Orthodox Union

The following is shared based on the guidance of our poskim, Harav Hershel Schachter שליט”א and Harav Mordechai Willig שליט”א, with the support of Harav Dovid Cohen שליט”א. Read the complete statement on Vaccine advice from the OU ...
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The joyous Israel-UAE peace deal by Stephen Daisley

gettyimages-1228031816.jpg?format=jpg_xtr_width=1920_xtr_height=1080_xtr_fit=cro States, countries welcome Diplomatic agreement between UAE and Israel ...
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Taking a Jewish approach to U.S. history by Natan Sharansky and Gil Troy

cov-give-me-liberty-1244x858.png When facing history’s challenges, better to squirm than sanitize. The two of us were born into very different societies and encountered different forms of anti-Semitism. Nevertheless, those contrasting experiences made us each appreciate the power of America’s redemptive ideals as part of our Jewish understanding that history is three dimensional. ...
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Israel gifts medical supplies to Province 2 Himalaya by Editors

In support of the Government of Nepal’s effort to contain the spread of COVID-19, the Embassy of Israel in Kathmandu dispatched medical supplies to the Ministry of Social Development in Province 2, which has been worst hit by the pandemic. ...
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Should there be a price for rejectionism and terror? by Douglas J. Feith & Lewis Libby

israeli-soldiers-west-bank.jpg?resize=987%2c576_xtr_ssl=1.png x ...
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Bari Weiss leaves NYT: HonestReporting responds by Daniel Pomerantz

bari-weiss-nyt30793.png This week Bari Weiss, an opinion editor with a focus on antisemitism left the New York Times. Shockingly it was Bari’s own colleagues at The Times who called her a “Nazi” and a “racist,” and demeaned her for “writing about the Jews again.” ...
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Why I spoke out about Labour’s antisemitism shame by Rachel Riley

gettyimages-1047467984.jpg?auto=compress.enhance.format_xtr_crop=faces.entropy.e a transcript of Rachel Riley’s speech to the Holocaust Education Trust reception in Westminster 22 January 2018 ...
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