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October 7

October 7 Diary by Julie Szego Julie Szego describes life over the last year in this dark testimonial to the horrors in society which have risen. ...
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How Not to Combat Antisemitism by Elkana Shmotkin - from the Rebbe

dehj12356545.png?_i=_n504bc99dd0473598aae3bcdc5d75568d.png What doesn't work to combat antisemitism, compiled by Elkana Shmotkin based on teachings of R Menachem Mendel Schneerson OBM, from Chabad ...
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Terror attack in Melbourne by Undisclosed

Lawyer considers Josh Burns attack to absolutely be a terror attack. ...
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Fancy a PhD in Hamas Studies? by Julie Szego The ugly hypocrisy of our universities: With the steadfast refusal to repudiate Hamas, or, worse, the frank celebration thereof, came disinhibited anti-Semitism on campus. One invariably follows from the other. After all, the Hamas terrorist didn’t brag to his parents on October 7 about killing “Zionists,” simply “Jews.” ...
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ABC staff pass no-confidence vote in boss as senior journalist lashes leadership by Michael Bachelard and Calum Jaspan

Lyons said the ABC “faced one of its darkest days” last Tuesday, when this masthead published a series of leaked WhatsApp messages documenting a letter-writing campaign from a group of pro-Israel lawyers targeting Anderson and ABC chair Ita Buttrose, in the lead up to, and on the day of Lattouf’s dismissal. ...
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Pro-Palestinian journos like Antoinette Lattouf fail to do homework on horrors of Hamas by Chris Mitchell

e62b76ca81eff882c914c44fdb06c397.png Israel’s public is so traumatized by Hamas’s attacks on innocent civilians in southern Israel on October 7 that there is no internal pressure for peace. ...
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Mid-East war exposes myth of Israel lobby’s power, influence by Prof Timothy Lynch

1eba7ef29aa4633746af4d4dc58588a2?width=1280.png Critique of John Mearsheimer's (and Walt's) superficial analysis of US Foreign Policy ...
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ABC Managing Director accused of ignoring Jewish leaders’ plea over Q&A by Jenna Clarke

8242b732d7576c2a610ddc147fd59a45?width=1280.png Prominent Jewish leaders have been ignored by the ABC and its managing director David Anderson. ...
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The oilrig of Islamicism by ICJS

oilrig_smaller.png The oil rig of Islamicism ...
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Peace 4 by ICJS

peace4_reduced.png Israel - the only outpost of freedom and democracy in the middle east ...
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Peace and Freedom by ICJS

peace.png Israel wants lasting peace and freedom from mindless terror ...
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Avram - the 1st Jewish Settler by ICJS

avram2_screen.png Avram - The first Jewish settler ...
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Jihad call by preacher in Sydney must be dealt with by Editorial

As the war enters its fifth week, the interests of Gaza’s people and civilized nations in which Jewish citizens play a constructive, important role in economic and community life, will be best served if Israel achieves its objective of to destroy Hamas as soon as possible. ...
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Humanitarian Crisis by Rabbi Elisha Greenbaum

A lot of ostensibly well-meaning people have been calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. ...
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Why the silence over anti-Semitism among our doctors? by Sarah B

8fb06358723371fe7b665321d8523636?width=1280.png In the great repository of Jewish law, the Talmud says: “The best doctors are destined for hell.” ...
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Netanyahu fights for political survival by Rory Jones and Anat Peled

c025ce24cb7a1e713bc2842c048c84e1?width=2048.png Israeli prime minister struggles to rally the public to his side after Oct. 7 attacks ...
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Regulator urged to intervene as doctors post increasingly extreme comments online over Gaza by Natasha Robinson

5b39e75f62e2583bb6f1a98933329cfd?width=1280.png Australia’s medical regulator is under pressure to take immediate action to crack down on anti-­Semitic comments being published on social media by doctors who are comparing Jews to Nazis and comparing Gaza to Nazi concentration camps. ...
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Statement by former PMs of Australia by 6 Former Australian Prime ministers

former_pms.png Former PMs Howard Gillard Rudd Morrison Turnbull and Abbott are STILL supporting Israel's war with Hamas ...
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Selective outrage exposes ignorance, contempt for Israel by Claire Lehmann

6fb1f4d6bbbb3732974e28aff6f6252d?width=1280.png A teaser ...
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An Uber ride by Derek Fildebrandt

But now seeing Jewish businesses and people threatened on our streets by overt anti-Semites has compelled me to share a story I haven't spoken of until, now: ...
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The woke scapegoating of the Jews by Prof Frank Furedi

supernova-funeral-1536x922.png Identity politics has effectively energised and sanitised anti-Semitism. The moral status of Jews has been thoroughly devalued. ...
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Israel’s New Reality by Brian Stewart

2t180m7.png the IDF is properly considered one of the finest (and most humane) militaries in the world. After this terrible onslaught, it’s past time for Israel to vanquish its blood-stained enemies once and for all. A return to the status quo ante is no longer acceptable. Israel must not relent until it achieves the objective of pacifying Gaza so that the days of Hamas endangering Israelis and oppressing Palestinians will never return. ...
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Hamas’s war on Israel: Everything you need to know by Alan Newhouse and Jeremy Stern What is the extent of the attacks? ... Why are people calling this “Israel’s 9/11”? Who carried out these attacks? ... Okay, but doesn’t Israel have settlements in Gaza, and don’t they control the lives of the Palestinians who live there? How could armed terrorists in Jeeps cross Israel’s billion-dollar border fence and massacre hundreds of civilians, take hostages, and bring them back to Gaza? Isn’t the Israeli army supposed to be good at this stuff? ... You’re telling me that a bunch of low-level terrorists in pickup trucks managed to do all of this on their own? ... If Joe Biden strongly supports Israel, as he says, why did he send $16 billion to Iran? Help square that for me. But why attack now? I thought Israel and Saudi Arabia were moving toward peace. So if there was, indeed, a cyberattack, who did it? ... What should the Israelis do now? ... But what about the Palestinians in Gaza? Aren’t they suffering? ...
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Hamas’s forever war against Israel has a glitch, and it isn’t Iron Dome by Haviv Rettig Gur

ap21141308830386-e1621598302743-1024x640.png Why Hamas promises another war soon, and another and another. And why it won’t work ...
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IDF chief of staff criticizes ICC war crimes probe of Israel by JP Staff

469174.png "I am responsible for the order to open fire," said IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kohavi. "You are not alone and will not be alone." ...
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IDF arrests three suspects for attempted terror attack in Beth El by Tal Lev Ram/Maariv

465759.png Two suspects were said to have been hit by the soldiers' fire, the spokesperson said. ...
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Ahlam al-Tamimi ‘no longer subject to Interpol warrant’ by Lauren Marcus

ap_17082459255962-750x400.png al-Tamimi - associated with the deadly Sbarro attack - was sentenced to 16 life sentences for murder, but was released during the October 2011 Gilad Shalit prisoner swap. Interpol has now dropped her from most wanted list ...
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Murderers of the Fogel family set to get 50% salary increase from the PA by Maurice Hirsch

fogel1.png Having now almost completed 10 years in prison, the salary the Palestinian Authority pays to the murderers of the Fogel family is set to rise by 50%, from 4,000 shekels ($1,203) per month to 6,000 ($1,806) per month. ...
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How much did PA spend on terror salaries in 2020? by Maurice Hirsch,Itamar Marcus,Nan Jacques Zilberdik

2020-salaries1.png 3.25% of the PA’s 2020 budget paid salaries to terrorist prisoners and released prisoners. ...
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IDF: Hezbollah looking to spark escalation for first time since 2006 by Yoav Zitun

h1xwlmf9d_0_0_800_480_0_large.png Intelligence Directorate report warns that Iran wishes to return to 2015 nuclear deal and is only less than 2 years away from a bomb; military is doubtful whether Palestinian elections will maintain stability in the West Bank and Gaza ...
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Revealed: how Mossad eliminated Mohsen Fakhrizadeh by Jake Wallis Simonss

gettyimages_1229869332_1_.jpg?auto=compress.enhance.format_xtr_crop=faces.entrop The plot took eight months to plan and execute; it was carried out without American support or approval, with only the subtlest of warnings given to Washington in advance; and it was undertaken by a large team of more than 20 spies and agents, some of whom were Israeli nationals operating undercover on the ground in Tehran. ...
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Arab doctor begs Lebanon to send wounded to Israel by Benjamin Kerstein

capture-637x400.png Head of hospital in Galilee pleads with Lebanon to send Beirut disaster victims to Israel. ...
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Should there be a price for rejectionism and terror? by Douglas J. Feith & Lewis Libby

israeli-soldiers-west-bank.jpg?resize=987%2c576_xtr_ssl=1.png x ...
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Israeli court gives Palestinian attacker life sentence by Editors

A Palestinian man found guilty of fatally stabbing an American-Israeli settler in a 2018 attack was sentenced to life in prison Tuesday by an Israeli military court. ...
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Iranian spies accidentally leaked videos of themselves hacking by Andy Greenberg

IBM’s X-Force security team obtained five hours of APT35 hacking operations, showing exactly how the group steals data from email accounts—and who it’s targeting. ...
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Telegram - A briefing by Editors

swc-telegram-briefing-july.png Here is a chilling report from the Simon Wiesenthal centre on an online platform called Telegram ...
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Iran rocked by new explosion at gas plant by Ezra Stone

explosion-890x400.png Mysterious explosions continue to rip through sensitive locations in the Islamic Republic, with the latest blaze erupting at a gas plant. ...
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Senior Hamas commander defects to Israel, Saudi Media reports by Jack Khoury

385390163.png The Saudi Al-Arabiya channel reported on Friday that a senior Hamas military figure had recently defected to Israel by sea. ...
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4 Palestinian banks cancel Terrorists’ ATM cards and salaries by Maurice Hirsch

logo.png This could be the first time in over a decade that the PA did not pay salaries to terrorists, with banks appearing to buck the pay-for-slay policy for fear of legal ramifications. ...
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Mysterious explosion and fire damage Iranian nuclear enrichment facility by David E. Sanger, William J. Broad and others

merlin_174146886_361e3ad0-4711-43ff-ba34-ebf8ebaa523c-articlelarge.jpg?quality=7 A fire ripped through a building at Iran’s main nuclear-fuel production site early Thursday, causing extensive damage to what appeared to be a factory where the country has boasted of producing a new generation of centrifuges. The United States has repeatedly warned that such machinery could speed Tehran’s path to building nuclear weapons. ...
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Tlaib tweets lies re ramming attack, CNN spreads disinformatoin pushed by terrorist’s Family by Yakir Benzion

shutterstock_1664856475-scaled.png A Palestinian’s recent attempt to kill an Israeli policewoman with his car prompted sympathy for the terrorist from Rashida Tlaib and a troubling report from CNN. ...
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Israel must learn to speak 'Palestinese' to handle PA terror perpetrators by Itamar Marcus

459902.png There is only one PA message and the problem is that Israeli leaders, the media and the international community have not mastered the Palestinian language – “Palestinese.” ...
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ICC prosecutor again refuses 2010 Gaza flotilla raid probe by Mike Corder

The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court on Monday again refused to open an investigation into the 2010 storming by Israeli forces of an aid flotilla heading to the Gaza strip. ...
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