
Alex Strauch has written a letter of apology which is reproduced with permission at 7 August 2007MEDIA RELEASEJewish Community condemns online racist cricketing abuseThe JCCV has been informed about material appearing on a group page on Facebook, a website where users can establish interest groups. Ash Peake, a member of McKinnon Cricket Club, created the ‘F.U. Ajax Cricket Club!' group in


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Jewish Community condemns online racist cricketing abuse

Alex Strauch has written a

letter of apology which is reproduced with permission at 

7 August 2007


Jewish Community condemns online racist cricketing abuse

The JCCV has been informed about material appearing on a group page on Facebook, a website where users can establish interest groups. Ash Peake, a member of McKinnon Cricket Club, created the ‘F.U. Ajax Cricket Club!' group in June of this year. Mr Peake, the self-described ‘President' invited his friends to comment upon the Maccabi Ajax Cricket Club without fear of censorship. Swearing and abuse is encouraged, he wrote.

His friends happily obliged. In a few short weeks, in June and July of this year, Mr Peake's group site attracted a dozen comments, most of them offensive in the extreme. Simon Galloway, self-described as ‘Deputy Vice-President in charge of Holocaust References' wrote that the group should install a f***ing Rheem. In context, the JCCV understands this to be a reference to the use of gas by the Nazis to kill Jews during the Holocaust. Jeremy Davies wrote that the AJAX 3rdXI should have won easily against McKinnon, but they nearly choked ... probably on the gas. A Mr Ben Grant described AJAX members as human goats.

The worst comment was by Alex Strauch, apparently a member of the Beaumaris Cricket Club, who said:

Being of German heritage, I think I need to apoligise for [AJAX Cricket Club] to still be in existence, my grandparents tried to get them all...but its easier said than done when they are walking around in sewers trying to find change.

Anton Block, President of the JCCV, says: "This kind of sledging by mindless racists is unacceptable. No member of any sporting club should be subject to abuse such as this, no matter what their race or religion. It is simply un-Australian."

The JCCV condemns this material in the strongest terms. 

For further information, please contact:

Anton Block, President on 0418-320-417
Daniel Aghion, Public Relations Officer on 0412-547-092




F.U. Ajax Cricket Club!



Group Info


F.U. Ajax Cricket Club!


Sports & Recreation - Outdoor Sports


Sick of the appalling arrogance and disgraceful onfield antics of the Maccabbi Ajax Cricket Club? This is the group for you! Feel free to discuss your thoughts without fear of censorship. Swearing and abuse is encouraged.


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2 posts by 1 person. Updated on Jun 28, 2007 at 12:16 AM.


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Alex Strauch (Australia) wrote
at 4:44pm on July 11th, 2007

Being of german heritage, I think I need to apoligise for ACC to still be in existence, my grandparents tried to get them all...but its easier said than done when they are walking around in sewers trying to find change...

Message - Report



Ben Grant (Australia) wrote
at 5:35pm on July 2nd, 2007

Ajax Cricket Club= Human goats posing as "cricketers" whilst practicing the art of Anal penetration amongst its playing group.. Tuesday and Thursday nite "training" sessions dont consist of using bats and balls.. But playing with one anothers "bats and balls"... Thats all well and good... If ur a homo! Didnt Willow come from Ajax?

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Jeremy Davies (Australia) wrote
at 1:43pm on June 28th, 2007

I've never played against Ajax but I did see their 3rd XI play McKinnon last year. They should have won easily but they nearly choked... probably on the gas.

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Ash Peake (Australia) wrote
at 2:00pm on June 20th, 2007

Even the coach is on board now. I wait with baited breath to view his comments. If he insinuates any Holocaust references, I know we have the right man leading us.




Shaun Davis (no network) wrote
at 10:10am on June 20th, 2007

Pimpo is the new Wilfred. No more Simpo mate !

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Ash Peake (Australia) wrote
at 9:41pm on June 17th, 2007

Pimpo's 'Rheem' comment may get him reported to the administrator of this site!




Simon Galloway (no network) wrote
at 4:28pm on June 17th, 2007

Wilfred is now a Melbourne FC Cock !! Typical Jew !!

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Simon Galloway (no network) wrote
at 4:27pm on June 17th, 2007

Install A Fucking RHEEM !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Aaron Griggs (no network) wrote
at 1:24pm on June 15th, 2007

let it be known, ppl in australia become elected to "lead us to better lives". Then there are ppl who play for ajax....... thats my theory

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Shaun Davis (no network) wrote
at 10:35pm on June 13th, 2007

Wilfred needs to get online to this site to convey his feelings about these cheating pricks !!

Message - Report



Ash Peake (Australia) wrote
at 4:28pm on June 13th, 2007

Essentially this site is concentrating on one major theme- that Ajax can go fuck themselves sideways with a cricket stump.





Ash Peake (Australia) wrote
at 4:26pm on June 13th, 2007

My hope is that someone from ajax stumbles across this site before the season starts. If not, i'll 'accidently' forward a link to the pricks.





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