The press too often arrogantly think its mission is to control what news is presented to the public and how the public should understand the news -- even if they have to force a conclusion by fabricating the "facts". This de facto advocacy press contributes to the excellent job the Arabs are doing promoting their point of view
Sheba Medical Centre
Melanie Phillips
Shariah Finance Watch
Australian Islamist Monitor - MultiFaith
West Australian Friends of Israel
Why Israel is at war
Lozowick Blog
NeoZionoid The NeoZionoiZeoN blog
Blank pages of the age
Silent Runnings
Jewish Issues watchdog
Discover more about Israel advocacy
Zionists the creation of Israel
Dissecting the Left
Paula says
Perspectives on Israel - Zionists
Zionism & Israel Information Center
Zionism educational seminars
Christian dhimmitude
Forum on Mideast
Israel Blog - documents terror war against Israelis
Zionism on the web
RECOMMENDED: newsback News discussion community
RSS Feed software from CarP
International law, Arab-Israeli conflict
The Big Lies
Shmloozing with terrorists
Israel's contributions to the world
Mark Durie Blog
The latest good news from inventions, cures, advances.
support defenders of Israel
The Gaza War 2014
The 2014 Gaza Conflict Factual and Legal Aspects
First of all a big thank you for your support and encouragement over this past year! It really helps us to keep going, running our website, communicating our media concerns to politicians and journalists, offering support to other like- minded individuals and groups, nationally and internationally and providing intelligent and knowledgeable guest speakers from time to time. The internet is a powerful communication tool and our website has certainly proven to be a very effective and efficient way to inform and influence people in many spheres of interest.
For our non-Jewish supporters, each year, on the evening of the new moon, at the beginning of the month of Tishrei in the Jewish lunar calendar, (September 12th this year) Jewish people around the world begin a period of prayer and self-examination that ends, ten days later, with a twenty-four hour fast. These are the High Holy Days, beginning with Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year and ending with Yom Kippur, the day of atonement. These days are a time to reflect on the past year and to realign life with truth and wisdom and to prepare for a new year's challenges.
Thus at this special time, we (that is, Ralph, Fran and Ronit) would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year and Well over the Fast!
Shana Tova umetuka and G'mar Hatima Tova.