
A shocking video showing the moment a naked Egyptian protestor was dragged across the ground and beaten by riot police has sparked outrage.Middle-aged Hamada Saber was stripped bare and coated in soot


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Stripped bare, dragged through street and battered with a truncheon

A shocking video showing the moment a naked Egyptian protestor was dragged across the ground and beaten by riot police has sparked outrage.

Middle-aged Hamada Saber was stripped bare and coated in soot before he was pulled across the floor by a team of around six helmeted officers and attacked with truncheons.

The brutal attack, which took place as police dragged Mr Hamada towards an armoured van close to the Presidential palace in Cairo was shown on television, to the horror of angry viewers. 


Brutal: Egyptain police can be seen to attack Hamada Saber, illuminated by the green light of a protester's laser, after stripping him and dragging him into a police van

Brutal: Egyptain police can be seen to attack Hamada Saber, illuminated by the green light of a protester's laser, after stripping him and dragging him into a police van


Shocking: Riot police wearing helmets pushed the middle-aged demonstrator to the floor before attacking him with truncheons

Shocking: Riot police wearing helmets pushed the middle-aged demonstrator to the floor before attacking him with truncheons


Vicious: The attack was shown on Egyptian television and came during clashes next to the presidential palace in Cairo

Vicious: The attack was shown on Egyptian television and came during clashes next to the presidential palace in Cairo

Today, Mr Saber lay in a police hospital as President Mohamed Mursi's office promised an investigation of the incident.

The attack followed eight days of protests which have killed nearly 60 people, and has been called the deadliest wave of bloodshed of President Mursi's seven-month rule. 

His opponents say it proves that he has chosen to order a brutal crackdown like that carried out by Hosni Mubarak against the uprising that toppled him in 2011.



'Mursi has been stripped bare and has lost his legitimacy. Done,' tweeted Ahmed Maher, founder of the April 6 youth movement that helped launch the anti-Mubarak protests.

Another protester was shot dead on Friday and more than 100 were injured, many seriously, after running battles between police and demonstrators who attacked the palace with petrol bombs.

That unrest followed eight days of violence that saw dozens of protesters shot dead in the Suez Canal city of Port Said and Mursi respond by declaring a curfew and state of emergency there and in two other cities.

Riot: An Egyptian armored riot police van of the Central Security Forces is lit up by laser pointers used by protesters during clashes in Cairo

Riot: An Egyptian armored riot police van of the Central Security Forces is lit up by laser pointers used by protesters during clashes in Cairo

Flames: Some of the tents of Egyptian protesters after an anti-government protest near the Ittihadeya presidential palace

Flames: Some of the tents of Egyptian protesters after an anti-government protest near the Ittihadeya presidential palace

But none of the bloodshed - which the authorities have blamed on the need for police to control violent crowds - has quite resonated like the images of police abusing a man at their feet - clearly helpless, prone and no possible threat.

'Stripping naked and dragging an Egyptian is a crime that shows the excessive violence of the security forces and the continuation of its repressive practices - a crime for which the president and his interior minister are responsible,' liberal politician Amr Hamzawy said on Twitter.

The incident was an unmistakable reminder of the beating of a woman by riot police on Tahrir Square in December 2011.

Images of her being dragged and stomped on - her black abaya cloak torn open to reveal her naked torso and blue bra - became a rallying symbol for the revolution and undermined the interim military rulers who held power between Mubarak's fall and Mursi's rise.

The rise of Mursi - the first freely elected leader in Egypt's 5,000-year history - is probably the single most important change achieved by two years of revolts across the Arab world. 

But seven months since taking office, he has failed to unite Egyptians. Street unrest and political instability threaten to render the most populous Arab state ungovernable.

Demonstrate: A Egyptian protester runs through clouds of smoke and tear gas during clashes with riot police

Demonstrate: A Egyptian protester runs through clouds of smoke and tear gas during clashes with riot police


Protest: A demonstrator holds a smoke flare outside the Presidential Palace

Protest: A demonstrator holds a smoke flare outside the Presidential Palace

The latest round of violence was triggered by the second anniversary of the uprising against Mubarak and death sentences handed down last week in Port Said over a soccer stadium riot.

Mursi has had little opportunity to reform the police and security forces he inherited from Mubarak and the military men.

But the police action against protests this time has been far deadlier than it was even a few months ago, when bigger crowds demonstrated against a new constitution. That suggests to opponents that Mursi has ordered a tougher response.

'The instructions of the interior minister to use excessive violence in confronting protesters does not seem like surprising behaviour given the clear incitement by prominent figures in the presidency, and leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood to which the president belongs, and other parties in solidarity with them,' said Khaled Daoud, spokesman for the opposition National Front.

The liberal, leftist and secularist opposition accuses Mursi of betraying the revolution that toppled Mubarak by concentrating too much power in his own hands and those of his Muslim Brotherhood, a formerly underground Islamist movement.

Tussle: Police and protesters scuffle as protesters try to break through a palace gate

Tussle: Police and protesters scuffle as protesters try to break through a palace gate

Mursi and the Brotherhood accuse the opposition of stoking street unrest to further their demands for a national unity government as a way to retake power they lost at the ballot box.

In announcing an investigation into the beating of Saber, Mursi's office made clear he was still pointing the blame at the political opponents who have encouraged protests.

'What has transpired over the past day is not political expression, but rather acts of criminality. The presidency will not tolerate vandalism or attacks on individuals and property. The police have responded to these actions in a restrained manner,' Mursi's office said.

'Doubtless, in the heat of the violence, there can be violations of civil liberties, and the presidency equally will not tolerate such abuses. In one incident, an individual was seen to be dragged and beaten by police. The Minister of Interior has, appropriately, announced an investigation.'

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