The Muslim Brotherhood network supported by Obama fuels global Jihad.
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One of the biggest mistakes in dealing with radical Islamic terrorism is to blame only Islamic State (ISIS) when it is, in fact, part of a much broader movement and more than one organization.
Regardless of the specific motives behind the timing of the killing spree in San Bernardino that killed 14 people, this horrific massacre was a clear-cut act of radical Islamic terror.
Not surprising, at the UN climate summit in Paris, a baffled Barack Obama said that the San Bernardino massacre motive is a mystery - then uses the tragedy to push for gun control and declare "climate change is a threat to national security on par with terrorism."
If this doesn't sounded profanely dishonest, it is absolutely "delusional." How can one link the summit to the War on Terror and blame terrorism on climate change?
America wants to know the truth. And yet, federal authorities ignore the U.S. mosques - and social media's role at the center of Islamic terror attacks. Both are a source of support, recruitment and radicalization of terrorists.
The real truth is unnerving and extremely appalling:
The mosque attended by the terrorist who killed U.S. soldiers at a base in Chattanooga, Tennessee, is affiliated with the same Islamic group as the mosques patronized by the Boston marathon bombers and the 9/11 hijackers who attacked the Pentagon.
Undeniably, the Islamist jihadist terror has come full circle in a "multi-pronged Islamic invasion" under the guise of illegal immigration, known as Islamic Hijrah or jihad by emigration.
On further scrutiny, it is clear the U.S. has been invaded by large numbers of Islamic terrorists since Obama took office.
For the past seven to eight years, the U.S. government has acknowledged the fact that Iranian proxy, Hezbollah and Hamas have strong ties to the Mexican drug cartels, as evidenced by the 2010 Tijuana arrest of Hezbollah militant, who was given the job of establishing a well-armed Hezbollah network in Mexico and South America.
We may never know for sure the exact numbers of Islamic jihadists who are plotting to attack America. However, a December 2015 report by the George Washington University indicated that more people in the U.S. were arrested for alleged connections to ISIS this year than in any previous year.
Almost 400 alleged ISIS adherents are inside the U.S.
ISIS, now is threatening more attacks in the next six months, claiming to have “71 trained soldiers in 15 different states."
In total, the FBI currently has nearly 1,000 active investigations into ISIS sympathizers.
Since March 2014, 71 individuals in the U.S. have been charged with ISIS-related activities in 21 states. As of fall 2015, 250 Americans have either traveled or tried to travel to Syria or Iraq to join ISIS. Around 40 percent of ISIS sympathizers in the U.S. who were arrested were converts to Islam, whereas 23 percent of American Muslims are converts, according to the report.
Former FBI counter-terrorism Special Agent John Guandolo argued on Breitbart News, the “vast majority” of the 2,200 Islamic organizations, centers, and mosques in the U.S. are a part of a "hostile" and broader “Jihadi network” intent on imposing Sharia Law in America.
Guandolo “came to understand very deeply the massive jihadi network we have in the United States” and discovered that “the leaders of the Islamic organizations… were actually interfacing with government leaders and advising them with how to proceed in the War on Terror.”
The San Bernardino terrorists attended the Islamic Center of Riverside, which is owned by the North American Islamic Trust, which is the bank for the Muslim Brotherhood.
'The Society of North America (ISNA) was founded by an Al-Qaeda guy who used to advise Bill Clinton and Al Gore and is now in prison.'
“ISNA, the largest Muslim Brotherhood organization— is a Hamas funding entity” and its leadership [has thoroughly infiltrated the Obama administration and other branches of the U.S. government].
The most prominent Muslim Brotherhood Organizations like ISNA, Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), and the Hamas organization-Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) — complained to the White House about the training Guandolo initiated inside the government at the FBI, when he realized that “we were being advised by the enemy on how to investigate and deal with the enemy.”
CAIR, is an Islamic supremacist organization with the same goals as those of Al-Qaeda and ISIS; which was actually named an unindicted c0-conspirator and Muslim Brotherhood-Hamas front group by the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s Office, in the successful prosecution of a terrorist funding cell organized around one of the largest Muslim charities, the Holy Land Foundation.
MPAC has secured a close working relationship with the Obama White House despite a record of anti-Semitism and whitewashing the terrorist threat while condemning law enforcement.
In the U.S. v. Holy Land Foundation case, FBI internal document say that the purpose of this network within the U.S. is "to wage civilization jihad… until the entire world, and specifically the United States, is under Sharia law and the Islamic State is established here.”
According to another FBI veteran familiar with recent and ongoing cases involving CAIR officials, "Their offices have been a turnstile for terrorists and their supporters."
The Muslim Brotherhood assassinated Egypt's president, Anwar Sadat in 1981, and in 2011, with Obama's help - overthrew Hosni Mubarak, who was also trying to keep the Egypt-Israel peace treaty alive.
Gulf News sources familiar with Obama's secret presidential directive (PSD-11) show mounting evidence the current U.S. administration has an official policy of backing so-called “moderate Islamists,” and the "jihadist Muslim Brotherhood.”
Kharirat El-Shater, the number two man in the Muslim Brotherhood hierarchy—now in custody by the Egyptian military—has evidence that the Obama regime was funneling millions of dollars to the Muslim Brotherhood.
As reported by Egypt Daily News, Obama secretly transferred a staggering $8 billion to the Muslim Brotherhood to guarantee that the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula be turned over to the Muslim Brotherhood’s terrorist wing Hamas.
Claire Lopez is a former CIA operative, now with the Center for Security, is risking her professional career to call out "Obama is [indeed] a Muslim terrorist with Brotherhood ties to take down USA."
One of the reasons for Obama's support of the Muslim Brotherhood is the president's half-brother, Malik Obama’s oversight of the Muslim Brotherhood’s investments worldwide.
Russia says it has proof that, "Obama's best friend in the Middle East," Turkey's Muslim Brotherhood President Erdoğan is involved in ISIS oil trade.
While Turkey has openly established recruiting stations for ISIS, Qatar is also feeding billions of dollars to ISIS.
After the San Bernardino massacre, the White House downplayed the threat of radical Islamic terrorism for and appointed a foreign policy advisor with links to the terrorist group Hamas to be the administration’s new czar in charge of countering ISIS.
The bottom line—for now— is that Obama’s meeting scores of known Islamist terrorists at the White House, aiding and abetting the enemy in collusion with the Muslim Brotherhood fuel global Jihad.
Americans needs to understand that the evil scourge of terrorism is here to stay until the end of Obama’s presidency. It seems that his real legacy will likely be the establishment of a global haven for terrorism.
The writer was clinical research-physician-general surgeon for Saudi Arabian, Philippine and American healthcare systems and is currently an American freelance writer as well as op-ed contributor.
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