
Corbyn's wreath at Munich terrorists' graves: Photos show Labour leader at tribute event for Palestine 'martyrs'... including plotters behind 1972 slaughter of Israeli Olympic athletes


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Labour leader Corbyn at tribute event for perpetrators of Munich massacre

A memorial wreath in his hand, Jeremy Corbyn stands feet from the graves of terror leaders linked to the Munich Massacre.

The picture was among a number taken during a service to honour Palestinian 'martyrs'.

Buried in the cemetery in Tunisia are members of Black September, the terror group which massacred 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympics.

Tribute: Jeremy Corbyn pictured in 2014 holding a wreath at a cemetery in Tunis. Sources close to Mr Corbyn insisted he was at the service to commemorate 47 Palestinians killed in an Israeli air strike on a Tunisian PLO base in 1985
Tribute: Jeremy Corbyn pictured in 2014 holding a wreath at a cemetery in Tunis. Sources close to Mr Corbyn insisted he was at the service to commemorate 47 Palestinians killed in an Israeli air strike on a Tunisian PLO base in 1985
But on a visit to the cemetery this week, the Daily Mail discovered that the monument to the air strike victims is 15 yards from where Mr Corbyn is pictured – instead he was in front of a plaque that lies beside the graves of Black September members

But on a visit to the cemetery this week, the Daily Mail discovered that the monument to the air strike victims is 15 yards from where Mr Corbyn is pictured – instead he was in front of a plaque that lies beside the graves of Black September members

The air strike victim's monument, containing the 47 names of Palestinians killed in 1985

The air strike victim's monument, containing the 47 names of Palestinians killed in 1985

One picture places Mr Corbyn close to the grave of another terrorist, Atef Bseiso, intelligence chief of the Palestine Liberation Organisation. 

Bseiso has also been linked to the Munich atrocity. Another image shows the Labour leader apparently joining in an Islamic prayer while by the graves.

Last night sources close to Mr Corbyn insisted he was at the service in 2014 to commemorate 47 Palestinians killed in an Israeli air strike on a Tunisian PLO base in 1985.

But on a visit to the cemetery this week, the Daily Mail discovered that the monument to the air strike victims is 15 yards from where Mr Corbyn is pictured – and in a different part of the complex. 

Instead he was in front of a plaque that lies beside the graves of Black September members.

Images from the Palestinian Embassy Website archive, Jeremy Corbyn is seen in Tunisia at the Martyrs Cemetary on a hill in Hamman Chatt laying wreaths with members of a Palestinian Conference delegation

Images from the Palestinian Embassy Website archive, Jeremy Corbyn is seen in Tunisia at the Martyrs Cemetary on a hill in Hamman Chatt laying wreaths with members of a Palestinian Conference delegation

Another image shows the Labour leader apparently joining in an Islamic prayer while by the graves

Another image shows the Labour leader apparently joining in an Islamic prayer while by the graves

The plaque honours three dead men: Salah Khalaf, who founded Black September; his key aide Fakhri al-Omari; and Hayel Abdel-Hamid, PLO chief of security. 

Adjacent to their graves is that of Bseiso. All were assassinated either by the Israeli secret service Mossad or rival Palestinian factions.

With his party engulfed in a row over anti-Semitism, the pictures give Mr Corbyn fresh questions to answer about his alleged sympathy for extremists.

Corbyn with Palestinian politician Mohammad Shtayyeh (second from left) and Palestinian Ambassador to France Salman Harfi (third from left)
Corbyn with Palestinian politician Mohammad Shtayyeh (second from left) and Palestinian Ambassador to France Salman Harfi (third from left)

'It beggars belief that anyone would wish to honour the terrorists behind the brutal massacre of 11 Israeli athletes at Munich,' said Jennifer Gerber, director of Labour Friends of Israel.

'However, it is sadly utterly unsurprising that Jeremy Corbyn appears to have done so. Others will rightly regard it is as totally sickening.'

In other developments:

  • A video surfaced showing Mr Corbyn apparently making a direct comparison between the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and the Nazi occupation of Europe;
  •  A Labour ex-minister took out a full-page advert in a Jewish newspaper to lambast Mr Corbyn's response to the anti-Semitism crisis. Jim Murphy said it had been 'intellectually arrogant, emotionally inept and politically maladroit';
  •  The Board of Deputies of British Jews warned Mr Corbyn to 'come out of hiding' and said the anti-Semitism crisis would not go away.

Mr Corbyn recorded his visit to the Tunisian cemetery – a year before he became Labour leader – in an article for the communist newspaper, the Morning Star. 

He said wreaths were laid to mark the 1985 bombing but also 'on the graves of others killed by Mossad agents'.

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