
The Rabbinical Council of Victoria and theCouncil of Orthodox Synagogues of Victoriainvite the community to a gatheringof prayer and solidarity for Israelin this time of crisis.The service will take place atCaulfield Hebrew Congregation572 Inkerman St, Caulfieldon Thursday, 20th July,commencing with Ma'ariv at 7.00 pmThe evening will conclude by 8.00


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Communal solidarity tefillah Melbourne

The Rabbinical Council of Victoria and the
Council of Orthodox Synagogues of Victoria
invite the community to a gathering
of prayer and solidarity for Israel
in this time of crisis.

The service will take place at
Caulfield Hebrew Congregation
572 Inkerman St, Caulfield
on Thursday, 20th July,
commencing with Ma'ariv at 7.00 pm

The evening will conclude by 8.00 pm.

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