UPDATE IV: Thoughts of the former editor-in-chief of The Age, Michael Gawenda: Caroline, I think the real question here is what publication of this article says about the prevailing journalistic culture at The Age. The
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UPDATE IV: Thoughts of the former editor-in-chief of The Age, Michael Gawenda:
Caroline, I think the real question here is what publication of this article says about the prevailing journalistic culture at The Age. The apology is a non-apology really. It apologises for the hurt it caused some people, especially Jews. This is a clayton’s apology--the sort, for instance, that Wayne Carey once offered up when he apologied for grabbing a young woman’s breast. The apology states that The Age does not hold the views expressed in the article. I assume The Age publishes many oped pieces that do not express the views of The Age. What this apology seems to be aimed at doing is limit the damage to the paper from the publication of this piece. What I want to know is how it came to be published and how The Age has reached the point where racist rubbish like this gets published. And what the new editor in chief intends to do about changing this culture.
Original piece was at http://blogs.theaustralian.news.com.au/coverington/index.php