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Melanie Phillips

Melanie Phillips spoke.

Racism is not the same as religious vilification.

The educated middle classes:

Seem to think that the international systems for dealing with issues are somehow more authoritative than their local institiutions. ie the ICJ is more authoritative than a British Court, a UN resolution is more authoritative than a British Parliamentary resolution eg

Minorities are somehow morally superior than majorities. Criticising minorities is off-limits. Or at least we need different standards when criticising minorities.

Conspicuous absence of non-muslim feminists is the recent Niqqab-veil debate in England. The main carriers of the argument that the veil is an instrument of female repression were muslim repressed women. Where were the traditional feminists?



Important to maintain the distinction between Islamism and Muslims.

Moderate Muslim  allies are essential.  Only Muslims can decide what is true Islam.

Rampant hatred of Israel drives foreign policy in England.  Reminds her of the Salem witch hunts...with the Jews being the new witches.

England is in denial and sees America as the sees through a prism of conspiracy theory with Americans and Jews being the conspirators.  In Britain now, it's friends are seen as enemies and it's enemies are to be protected from it's friends.

The West fails to grasp that terrorism drives terrorism.  Terrorism is fueled by the fact that it works!  It works because the WEst is driven by appeasement and self-flagellation.

Khomeini started the war against the West in 1979, igniting political Islam  The banner of Jihad was raised at the same time as there was a huge Muslim immigration to the West.  These immigrants failed to integrate.

 What exactly is a moderate Muslim.  British think moderates are those who only want to kill troops in Iraq or Israelis.

Opinion polls in Britain indicate that 40-60% of Muslims want sharia laws.

British foreign policy operates from an "it's all our fault" perspective and appeases radicals who are brought into govt. British police provide intelligence regarding terror to Muslim leaders.

Why has this come about?  Because for decades the intelligentisa has hollowed out the sense of British identity.  Britain has lost belief in itself.  The idea of "nation" has been degraded by European liberals who blame nationhood for all the ills in the world.  Thus transnational organisations are more legitimate than individual democracies (Ralph's notes above).

Multiculturalism means different things to different people.  In Britain and Europe it means that minority values are considered equal to majority values, otherwise the spectre of prejudice is invoked.  This has two lethal effects.  It means that all immigrants are abandoned because there is no majority culture for them to integrate they are stranded between the old culture and the new self-hating culture which offers nothing.  This makes them vulnerable to jihadists who offer a framework, respectability, identity etc.

There is a key moral inversion and moral paralysis in Britain where the truth is a lie and the victim is the victimiser and this plays into the Muslim victim culture which then justifies aggression as legitimate defence against the west...Phillips calls this the "dialogue of the demented"  Untruths are deepened by the political left which demonises America and Israel and this is echoed in mainstream discourse.  On Israel and America the hysteria is rising.

 Gordon Brown, the likely successor to Blair will distance himself from America.

Jews in Britain are four times more likely to be attacked than Muslims.

Israel's fight is the West's  fight.  Britain doesn't see it.  The Israeli and Jewish left is feeding the anti western ideologues.  There is a 1930's style appeasement madness, a collapse of nerve and a vacuum in leadership. 

Terrorism is not the biggest threat.  It is the ideology and the battleground is in people's heads, it is psychological warfare where demoralisation is used to hijack the human mind.  Confusion is paralysing debate.  Intellectuals refuse to recognise that ideas can kill.  The intelligentsia and the media are the Islamists fifth column.

We need to reassert western values and face down the lies.

To immigrants..."you are welcome here...on our terms"

The problems is not Muslim hordes but Muslims with an agenda and we are not doing anything about it.

The media tell lies and perpetrate the propaganda of the Islamists.

Abbas and the lie of moderation...why is it is an amnesia  and denial of jihad because the alternative is too terrible to countenance.

The French scenario differs from the British one.  Melanie calls it a "rolling intifada". There the Islamists are North African, in Britian they are from the Indian subcontinent.  The problem is not our societies....the problem is Islamism.  Our systems exacerbate the problem they do not create it.  Whereas in Britain, diference and inversion of values was France, immigrants were put into their banlieus and ignored.  And this is where they erupted.  The French sought out the Muslim brotherhood to sort it out...then the French insisted that it was not Islamism but rather disaffected youth causing the strife.

There is a blindness to waht we are facing.

The Pinter mob...Independent Jewish Voices...are at the forefront of the demonisation of Israel, driving it..  These Jews are people with a damaged, fractured relationship with Judaism and they are only Jews when denouncing other Jews.

Britain's education has unravelled.  Children are not taught about England but taught that Britain is an ignoble thing.

Britains relationship with Saudi Arabia is complicated.  Saudi is the source of the Wahabi/Islamist problem and much of the terror in the world, yet Saudi is Britain's ally so there is a double game all the time...Britain feeds the monster and is also fighting it.   Every mosque in Britain is funded by Saudi money and the mosques are Islamisizing their hosts to cultural warfare.

There is rage in Britain against the Islamisization going on.

There may at some point in the future be a civil war with facism vs islamofacism.  There is rise in popularity of the nationalist party.  Jews of course will be caught in the middle.  Without proper action there will be a rise in social disorder and unrest.

Our moral duty is to speak the truth to lies when faced with murderous racism and nail the lies on which they are feeding.

The voice of moderate Islam is muted because it is dangerous to speak out.  But the greater the profile of any given moderate Muslim...the harder it will be to kill him/her.

Media is a hard nut to crack.  Melanie doesn't see them as anti semitic just as ignorant and poor scholars.  They need to be held to account.

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