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Islam’s poison cells

Our world view was horribly bipolar. We didn't distinguish on the basis of colour but on creed

FOR almost four years I was on the front line of British Islamism, serving as a regional officer in northeast England for Hizb ut-Tahrir, an extremist group committed to the creation of a puritanical caliphate.

Since leaving the group in 2005, I've been concerned at just how easy it was for me to join a radical Islamist movement and why there was hardly any support available when I decided to leave. Hizb was a large family in many ways, a group offering social support, comradeship, a sense of purpose and validation.

At 21, it was intoxicating for me. I embraced my new Islamist identity and family with eagerness. Islamism transcends cultural norms, so it not only prompted me to reject my British identity but also my ethnic South Asian background. I was neither Eastern nor Western; I was a Muslim, a part of the global ummah, or community, where identity is defined through the fraternity of faith.

Islamists insist this identity is not racist because Islam welcomes people of all colours, ethnicities and backgrounds. That was true, but our world view was still horribly bipolar. We didn't distinguish on the basis of colour but on creed.

The world was simply divided into believers and non-believers. It was a reality that came back to haunt me last month when I realised that Bilal Abdulla and Kafeel Ahmed, the two men linked with the alleged plot to attack London and Glasgow, were among my closest friends when I studied at Cambridge University.

My time in Cambridge was a turning point. I was studying for a doctorate, researching the development of Islamic political thought in late colonial India, which proved to be my saviour. My research caused me to find marked points of rupture in the historical and theological narrative of what the Hizb was having me believe. Previous generations had failed, the Hizb told me, to apply Islam to the reality of a changed and changing world in the early 20th century. What I found could not have been further from this.

Throughout my thesis I was able to survey a wide range of Muslim opinion across the Indian subcontinent, among whom Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was a leading figure. He explained how Islam obliged Muslims to create a harmonious society. He was adept at offering lucid explanations from the texts of the Koran to show a secular state was validated through Islam. Failing to accommodate diversity showed a neglect of the Koran's opening chapter, al-Fatiha, which emphasises tolerance and mercy. Focusing on division rather than common humanity violated God's unity, said Azad, who insisted in The Tarjuman al-Qur'an that "the unity of man is the primary aim of religion".

When independence came in 1947, Azad resisted the creation of Pakistan. Forming an exclusionary political identity in this way was against the essence of Islam.

My findings suffocated me. Far from being emancipated by my discovery, I fell into a spiral of confusion. I had sacrificed all my friends and family for a cause. Had it all been in vain? I felt overwhelmed by feelings of loneliness. And herein lies the problem. There was nowhere for me to turn.

I didn't want to take my concerns to the Hizb because I knew what its response would be. If I weren't bullied back into action, I'd be made to feel guilty for leaving. I knew the protocol. When I embraced Hizb ut-Tahrir and the Islamist way of life there was an established network offering social support and validation. Shedding my old life was easy because I was absorbed by an alternative and more self-assured culture.

By the start of 2005, I was mentally no longer an Islamist. But there was no denying that emotionally I didn't have the courage to leave the Hizb. Then my nightmare was realised. I watched as London came under attack on July 7, 2005, by four British Muslims who claimed 52 innocent lives. This was the cauldron of Islamist hate boiling over.

When I resigned from Hizb ut-Tahrir, the social network that had once so warmly embraced me turned bitterly cold and confrontational. The inward love was replaced by the external hate. At 24, I had to rebuild my life, almost entirely from scratch. Traditionally, it is at university that you forge your most enduring and meaningful friendships. Overnight, mine disappeared.

Then came hope. During recent months I have spoken at length with Ed Husain, author of The Islamist, who was also once in the ranks of the Hizb (and whose book extracts were reprinted in these pages last month). It was the revelation I was waiting for. When I met him, Husain's first words, breaking their way through a beaming smile, were: "It feels like I've known you for years."

Immediately our stories resonated with remarkable familiarity. We had both experienced the same feelings of isolation and desperation before we plucked up the courage to leave. Finally, I was not alone. Like old war veterans we shared stories, discussed what made us leave and what the future held.

Having been a senior member in the Hizb, I know there are scores of others with similar concerns. Some of them have also left and are coming together to form a united front against Islamism. They are not irreligious sell-outs, agents or part of some Judeo-Christian cult committed to the downfall of Islam, as groups such as the Hizb would like to suggest. They are simply former Islamists who have rejected a particular political ideology while remaining committed to their Muslim faith.

The significance of this should not be underestimated. When I first left, I emphasised that the challenges of Islamist extremism could never be overcome until the Muslim community formulated its own response. Since meeting Husain and becoming aware of the emerging network of other former members, many of them also holding a senior rank at one time, I was reassured. An influential figure who is still within the movement but close to leaving recently told me and Husain, "Don't worry, your message is being heard."

The landscape in the Muslim community is changing. Just as the divisive message of political Islam has been spread by young men across Britain, there is a growing number of former activists leading the charge against the ideas that we once helped to promote. I only hope that our testimonies will encourage those still within Islamist movements to find the moral courage to leave.

Shiraz Maher was a British pointman for Hizb ut-Tahrir, an Islamist terrorist group. This is reprinted from The Sunday Times in Britain.

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Posted by Brian on 2007-08-23 09:25:06 GMT

Gaye, I'd like to pass these blurbs on thorugh my mail lists to Members of the European Parliament, with your permission. It might be as just as enlightening (amusing) for them to read, as it is for me. Could you forward your e-mail to

Posted by Brian on 2007-08-23 06:59:10 GMT

Gaye, thanks for your comments. It's enlightening - no, amazing - that you site documentation of the fact that Islam, and indeed 'Allah,' praises illiteracy, loves the illiterate and sets them above the educated. One can only wonder how there are over 215 Jewish recipients of Nobel prises, while we count only 12 Muslims - while there are 99 Muslims to every Jew on the planet. And one can only wonder how gullible must people could be to imbibe propaganda from their clergy, asking them to do and think despicably about all but others equally gullible. Of course, literacy and education is seemingly antithetical to that process.

Posted by Brian. on 2007-08-22 14:42:14 GMT

MM You are not a lone voice. There are many of us. How about we all link together?

Posted by Jenny on 2007-08-22 01:04:33 GMT

Thanks for your comments, Gaye. Allow me to clarify the idea: I'm in dialog with a PhD in this field, who works for various EU countries attempting to integrate Muslims into EU urban communities. The economic and social cost of the vast Muslim immigration is very high on the political agenda here, as the price tag for that is the largest single budgetary item for most EU countries. FYI: Having studied the Quran thoroughly, he agrees with you, in no small degree, regarding its dangerous legitimization of violence, killing, and nearly every other asocial and ethical sin in the pursuit of the kalifat. At one point in our discussions he asked me, “What are your suggestions for changing all this? How we do we turn the tide?” My answer, while seemingly simplistic, was exactly this: A globally directed and coordinated campaign of economic and political sanctions to force Arabic and Muslim countries to accept women's rights - regarding every social endeavor - from driving a car, to university tenure. That's no small thing; it's a deep rooted, fundamental revolution, quite obviously. We must insist that 50% of the Muslim world wakes up from it's structural and ideological servitude, throws off it’s ‘shackles of repression,’ and enters the mainstream of society, in every shape and form. Without that, we'll never have anything but pathologically aggressive, pubescent males dominating the resources, power and ideologies by which these societies are governed. The renaissance that brought Christian Europe out of the dark ages, and reformed Judaism as well, will occur within Islam, ipso facto, if this were to occur. The relationships between men and women permeate society as perhaps no other force. We would essentially create a ‘sexual war’ within Islam; a war that would pit ideas against ideas, in a manner no bullet or bomb could. Of course, a male dominated theocracy such as Islam would resist; it would refuse per force - much as the West did regarding female suffrage, and revisions of labor laws. No one gives up power easily. The unfortunate fact is that there is a tremendous resurgence of fundamentalist Islamic women’s groups in Europe, which supports their own servitude, much like the paradoxical “Swedish syndrome,” finds captives defending their captors after a period of time. In my opinion, without the real and actual “female component” entering the ideological equation, and manifesting itself in Islamic minds and societies, we’ll never counter the dangerous and dogmatic indoctrinations that Dr. Sultan fears exists in the heart of every Muslim. I believe that by altering a man's understanding and perception of a woman, we alter his perception of his fellow man, his universe, and even, his perception of his deity. This is, I believe, the forbidden fruit of the Islamic world.

Posted by Brian on 2007-08-21 12:14:37 GMT

Gaye, Michael, et al.: Thanks for your comments. See and attacks perpetrated in 1H2007. Re MP's: they get a lot of mail. I send links, short excerpts. and good captions to get their attention. Keep at it. Practice makes perfect. Dr. Sultan's article reminds me a bit of a movie, where under cover operatives are hypnotized, sent to the free world. They receive a phone call years later, with a coded message. They immediately begin their mission of death and destruction, fulfilling our greatest nightmare. I'm not sure if I fully agree with her, but I do believe that amongst every 100 people there are 4-5 very, very smart persons. Amongst every 1000 people there is an actual genius. If those 1000 people were to organize, on the basis of the 40-50 individuals capable of leading with tremendous motivation, and without fear of death, with a threatening ideological plan, this is frightening. Divide the 1.3 billion members of the Islamic world with this factor, and look forward in time. This is why I believe there is sufficient basis to be very, very concerned. The Nazi's were pretty much contained in Germany. Whether Dr. Sultan is over exaggerating the case, I cannot say. Only time will tell. I personally believe that we need to confront Muslim leaders, the greater Islamic community, Arabic nations, and our own political and legislative representatives with their responsibility, in the face of this threat to democracy and freedom. But finally, I don't see any plan offered better than a fairly simple and straight forward one: one in which every Western government insists on full freedoms given to women in these Muslim lead countries. Women must be encouraged to enter all aspects of social and political life - with the ability to education themselves, and professionalize. Without their component of compassion and sensitivity entering decision making and social direction on all levels, we go no where. Half the women in the Islamic world are essentially kept out of it. The better half of their population and talent, and more than half of their common sense. Sound simplistic? I think not. It shouldn't surprise anyone that nations dominated by ideologies born out of psycho-sexual repression, violence, sociopathic world views, and driven by envy, and spite are anchored in deep ontological insecurities. They will always have very warped views of the world. Brutality and dogma will have to govern. It was the case in medieval Europe, and it's the case in Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc. etc. Nothing will change until the world insists that women enter the equation in the Islamic world - not as suicide bombers, or participants in their own structural repression, but as the component those societies need, and that ideology lacks. Islam has omitted the touch of mother's love and wisdom. Compound that through 1400 years, add a billion impoverished people, give their clergy and royalty control, place oil resources at their feet, hate propaganda in their schools, and armies in their women’s bellies, and you have what we have today. It doesn't take a genius to know that.

Posted by Brian on 2007-08-21 08:20:36 GMT

Brian where can I get hold of the weekly Jihad reports?

Posted by Michael on 2007-08-20 08:24:08 GMT

Gaye, I have lists of every Member of the European Parliament and every member of the Danish Parliament (Folketinget). I don't forward things that often; when I do they are concise and to the point. My reader rates have gone up from the start to what is now 30% at times (I set my mail to give me a report, so I can see who deletes without reading, and who reads before deleting). Don't be discouraged or impatient. Changing one's mind takes time. I suggest a Quran except a week, say on Mondays, and sending the "Weekly Jihad Report" on Fridays (these are statistics of 'Jihad Attacks' made in the name of Islam, and compliled weekly since 9/11; they include 'Injured' and 'Dead Bodies.' Your mails will speak volumes. Keep it short. Don't underestimate the power of information. Any fool can see the light, and the blind can hear better than we imagine.

Posted by Brian on 2007-08-20 08:11:50 GMT

A major problem exists with language, where we all use the same terms, but actually mean very different things by them. When we use the term "peace" we mean coexistence, tolerance, and an absence of war. Moslems, too, mean an absence of war, but because everybody has been converted to Islam, and the areas under Islam are called "Dhar el Islam", the dwelling of Islam, or, alternatively, "the dwelling of peace" which is where the seemingly strange "religion of peace" comes from. For real communication we need to understand what people actually mean, rather than believing that we understand the words they use. Otherwise it can be as dangerous as the last line of "Silence of the Lambs" where Hannibal Lextor says "I'm having a friend over for dinner" ... we need to make sure that we understand so that we are not "the dinner". These are the things the media should be conveying to us, rather than their politically correct and dangerous refusal to challenge an established religion for fear of being labelled intolerant.

Posted by Morry on 2007-08-20 05:12:09 GMT

Let me try to clarify myself to date. 1. Debating the things we find in the Koran with Moslems is counterproductive ... we will inevitably have stonings from the Bible brought up and then it's a non-productive tit-for-tat. However, we need to understand what Moslems and Islam are about, that it is a religion that sees the world as two camps (dwellings), one of Islam the other of war, which will continue to be at war until it moves into the dwelling of Islam. 2. The way to fight it is by being as passionate about our culture as they are about theirs, and by continuing to demand that they deal with their zealots and attitudes. It was in exactly this way that Sheik Hilaly was finally moved on. My main point is that we cannot simply sit back and say "this a a Moslem problem for the Moslems to deal with" we need to make Australia a hostile environment for any idea of taking over Australia. Like any business that makes itself economically stronger to ward off a hostile takeover, we need to make Australia culturally strong enough to be entirely hostile to any idea of cultural takeover. We need people to be very proudly Australian, and to have no interest in conversion to the ideas of Islam (I'm talking about support of the ideas as much as actual religious conversion). When Moslems (or anybody)ask for separate bathrooms, we need Australia to universally say "Wrong, that is unAustralian!". My entire arguments have hinged around, not so much a weakening of Islam, but a strengthening of Australia. All of this discussion is separate from our battle against terrorism.

Posted by Morry on 2007-08-19 01:51:16 GMT

Attention: Our comments HAVE MOVED to the BOTTOM of our article today. If you prefer it the other way - comments along the side - send an email to ralph (at) doublez dort com dort au

Posted by Ralph Zwier on 2007-08-18 23:55:06 GMT

Hi Jenny, I thought that was clear from my comment. We, as a society have to stick by our culture and fight for it as fiercely as they fight for theirs. We should not be providing separate bathrooms to Moslems in universities, we should be insisting that there is no separation, that their obligation is to integrate into our society and that we will settle for no less. There is a priciple in Islam called "Hegira" ... it is when it becomes clear that you cannot achieve your aim to take over, you "withdraw". That is the state that existed three decades ago, that is the state we need to induce today, by making it clear that culturally, publicly, and in every other way, we will cater to only one way of life, and that is tolerant, Christian, Australian ... and we will do that unchangingly. I hope, Jenny, that this answers your question.

Posted by Morry on 2007-08-18 04:34:04 GMT

Great article by Shiraz Maher, but in contemplating the battle against Islamism it is less about the Koran per se, and more about the sense of identity, of belonging, and of camaraderie that he describes. These are the things that appeal to the young who find themselves devoid of any real sense of identity. If we are to fight Islamism the Koran, even with its stories of glory and conquest, is secondary to the need to provide the Muslim population in our midst with a sense of belonging and a sense of identity ... and this is exactly where multiculturalism has failed us. The message for a young Moslem is "we have nothing to offer you, for we ourselves seek our identity in the cultures of others, you should do the same". When he compares that to the embrace of a culture filled with determination, with values (no matter how warped), and with a view to changing the world, it certainly explains a lot, as well as the numbers of young flocking to convert to Islam. To win this battle we must, first and foremost, take pride in being Australian, begin stressing the wonders of being Australian, and begin accepting people wholeheartedly into the family of Australia. We should warmly accept the people who come to join this enterprise, but reject those who may well despise us, because their only motivation is to either benefit economically from being amongst us, or, more insiduously, are trying to change us. In brief, change is not "up to the Moslems" ... our attitudes need to change big time as well.

Posted by Morry on 2007-08-18 00:14:27 GMT

Gaye, we all assume that major religions are based on "scriptures" which are life affirming. That in combination with the ddemocratic principal of freedom of belief, makes attacking "religious" principals such a difficult issue. You should assemble a list of mail addresses for MP's in Australia. Your apparent in depth knowledge of the Quran must be shared with them to help them gain a better understanding of the theological basis upon which Muslims extremists find justification. It's a tremendous mistake for us to avoid addressing ideological issues that seem cloaked in religion, and therefore seem off limits. Like any ideology with a manifest of violence, we need to address the root causes, exposing them, and I belive you want to do that. Address those who make the laws and legislation! Don't let them hide from that which Islamists base their misbegotten beliefs upon!

Posted by BB on 2007-08-17 17:37:54 GMT

As I see it there are three faces of Islam. The "Militant" face is obvious The "Moderate" face is also The "Masked" face may be a "militant" in disquize as a "moderate" or is a "moderate" in fear of a Militant. And unfortunately the response of some masked muslims to true moderate muslims suggests they too are militant. This article appears to be another illustration of this thesis.

Posted by BWJ on 2007-08-17 12:02:04 GMT

I salute and welcome Shariz Maher back to the living! In rejoining the greater global community, he recognizes that most people have another opinion about life, and how it should be lived. Most people in fact, have quite a unique view of the world, as no one shares one’s unique experiences, or unique gifts and personality - no matter how much we think we agree. What's key - despite our needs to associate and identify - is tolerating other views, and validating that which is contrarian to us, as long as it’s non-violent and in the pursuit peace. That’s a cornerstone of communication, and a successful community. The fact that young people seek answers and associations that address their natural insecurities, is what extremists prey upon. By offering "collectivity and strength" their ideologies seduce youngsters to just about anything. Nazi's, islamists, the "Red Guard's" of the 70's – are types of sociopathic ideologies with similar successes. Even very intelligent youngsters become seduced into cults of thugs, wanting to share a collective vision, even to the point of believing that which is antithetical to life itself, and common sense. They’ll lie, maim, kill, steal, and commit any crime against humanity in a classic “us verses them” syndrome, as these crimes all seem legitimated by the ideological concerns they share. It’s a bit like drug addicts, who in their squalid demise, share a needle, and feel a sense of momentary bliss. Obviously, at some point, even the most gung-ho kid, or the most avid ideological Islamic soldier has to ask, "what am I doing, and why?" If nothing else, when he recognizes that he may have maimed or killed an unknown mother's child, a passing innocent, he will ask, "what have I become?" The roads to revelation are many. Shariz is an intellectual, who found a conflict between the hateful revisionist dogma he was told, and what he discovered in historical research. He reports of many others who have begun to question whether the madness of Islamic extremism is justified. I'm quite certain that many nazi's were well intentioned, as well. Hypnotists have made people think they were ducks, and walk about on stage for TV cameras. But nazi’s were conspiring thugs, and islamists are misdirected psychopaths with an convincing ideology. I can only hope that Shariz continues to publish, and finds support and protection amongst his new friends and associations. I hope he won't yield to intimidations, and threats. He has to tell his story, like kids who have been captured by “Moonies,” or any strange and perverted cult. Islamists kill. They worship death, allowing them to justify any crime or act of hatred. And their reward is the ability to abuse "72 virgins in paradise." Shiraz has a new mission. Shiraz has rejoined the living, and for that I say, "Welcome Home!"

Posted by BB on 2007-08-15 16:39:33 GMT

I don't know if Fred and Steve are serious about islamism being a cult whose members can be freed by counselling or inoculated against joining. Their societies and politico-religiousity is the cult. The whole rotten edifice must be changed and it will not be done by pretty words and psychobabble incomprehensible to them, particularly as long as we allow their shock troops to win against us without cost to their societies and economies. The time to speak plainly and to act forcefully is well past.

Posted by paul2 on 2007-08-15 13:30:23 GMT

!Islam is not a religion but a Political philosophy with a doctrine like communism...when have Jews ever heard a Rabbi in a Synagogue talk about politics, incite hatred towards any other religion or people, the closest politics comes into a synagogue is when the rabbi may ask for a prayer for the state of Israel, the welfare of the IDF and welfare of the Queen and our country. No matter how many Jews are killed worldwide by Muslims no matter how many million of dollars Jews must spend each year to protect them selves from extremist Muslims I have yet to hear of any Rabbi in an Australian Synagogue curse Muslims or Islam. I'm sure it is similar in any Catholic or Christian Church I have never heard of their religious figures preaching hatred towards Muslims or any other religions. Its time the left woke up and came to the same conclusion!

Posted by michael on 2007-08-14 23:59:28 GMT

Thanks - Pleased that this was in UK Times

Posted by Ivor Lunzer on 2007-08-14 08:45:30 GMT

While it is true that there is a cult element in the various manifestations of Hizbs and siblinghoods, the facts are that they are far too large, too numerous and too tolerated by the Muslim world to be regarded as mere cults. The few score progressive, courageous and intelligent Muslims in 1.6 billions are insignificant. The West must lean on Muslim nations and immigrant groups to discourage their use of religion to sanction aggression.

Posted by paul2 on 2007-08-14 07:27:07 GMT

This article can only bring hope:to all of us who are appalled by Islamist ideology;and to those who are in its grip and want and need to leave it.Fortunately a democracy permits their voices to be heard! A Sharia state won't permit this!

Posted by Fiona on 2007-08-14 06:33:58 GMT

'Why isn't it surprising these type of articles don't appear in al'age ,I guess they would never pass al' age censorship by their staff writers like Palestinian activist maher Mhugrabi or leader of Islamic council of Victoria's Waleed Aly or Michael Leunig or Ed 'Loughlin or the big Boss {the one who said whilst he was Editor of the Scottish Times "'Israel deserved the suicide bombings"

Posted by Michael on 2007-08-14 05:56:16 GMT

Congrats to "The Australian" for running this piece

Posted by RZ on 2007-08-14 02:05:04 GMT

I applaud Shiraz Maher's courage to leave the cult and to speak out publicly about her experiences. I fervently hope she is correct in her assessment about a growing trend within Islam against these murderous groups who wish to forcibly impose their version of Islam on the world. Islam can only be reformed from within with the support and encouragement of the rest of the world.

Posted by franita on 2007-08-14 01:51:28 GMT