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Audio of press conference

The Chabad-Lubavitch emissary in Mumbai and his wife were murdered in the terror attacks in Mumbai. The Jewish drop-in centre known as the Mumbai Chabad house was one of the targets of the Islamic terrorists.

Following confirmation of the deaths of the Chabad Rabbi in Mumbai and his wife, Chabad headquarters in New York held a Press conference late Friday afternoon (28 Nov 08).

Here is the audio of that press conference. Their son Moshe 2 yrs old, was saved by his nanny. Read the story below

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Heroic nanny saves Moishele Holzberg Mumbai - This is Moshel'e Holtzberg, the orphan of the Mumbai massacre. He is the son of the rabbi at the city's Jewish centre.

Moshe, who turned two this week, is in the care of his mother's parents after his nanny, Sandra Samuel, rushed him to safety while militants roamed the Jewish centre where the family lived and worked. "When the baby emerged with the nanny, he had bloodstains on him," said Benjamin Isaac of the Indian Jewish Federation. "Thankfully it wasn't his blood. But we knew someone's blood had already been spilled."

Ms Samuel, who was on the first floor of the building when the gunmen arrived, locked herself in a room in a desperate attempt to stay alive. "The whole night I heard gunshots and loud blasts," she said in a statement to police. "Next morning it was quiet for a while, when I heard the baby crying." Ms Samuel quietly unbolted the door, and went up to the second floor where she found Moshe crying next to four people lying motionless on the ground. She picked him up and dashed out.

As the siege of the building dragged on, commandos were dropped by helicopter on to the roof. They would later blast their way through the centre, ending the standoff after almost two days of fighting. By then, the militants had killed the remaining hostages, including Rabbi Holtzberg and his 28-year-old wife, Rivka.

At a police station on Thursday, Moshe sat clutching a grimy doll, surrounded by Jewish volunteers, while Ms Samuel described her ordeal.

Jonathan Solomon, a prominent community leader, said: "The boy's security is of utmost concern to us. He had been crying. He is too small, you see."

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Tell us what you think

Where is the Mohammedans" condemnation of the murder of non-Muslims? Where is the criticism of Islam from the churches and from Christian nations? Where is the voice of Amnesty or Human Rights Watch? Where is the voice of Jewish leaders? In being PC and culturally sensitive we have allowed ourselves to become dhimmis. Shame on all of us.

Posted by paul2 on 2008-12-01 05:56:36 GMT

What was the point of this carnage apart from proving that man"s inhumanity to man has not waned through the ages.The terrorists chose a soft target;it was at least comforting to see the outpouring of support from the locals in the neighbourhood for the Rabbi, his family and the Chabad centre. If training young people to be killers as those murderous thugs obviously were trained, is a form of some credo for those who organised it,- heaven help the world as we know it.

Posted by MM on 2008-11-30 11:43:17 GMT

THis murdering of Jews has been going on for 1400 years. Islam calls for destruction of the Jews and Israel. It must be stopped and discredited. It is NOT an Abrahamic religion but a death cult from the desert of Arabia and a mad man.

Posted by Gabrielle on 2008-11-30 07:02:41 GMT