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A poisonous outcome

BARACK Obama's attempts to resume Middle East peace talks about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have been dealt a serious blow by the bias and irresponsibility of the UN Human Rights Council and South African judge Richard Goldstone. Goldstone found that both Israel and Palestinian armed groups had committed war crimes and possibly, crimes against humanity in his report on the December-January offensive in the Gaza Strip in which almost 1400 Palestinians and 13 Israelis were killed.

Neutral observers insist the report paid too little heed to Israel's legitimate security concerns, including the the long-running Hamas rocket attacks that triggered the offensive. Goldstone himself shattered its credibility by admitting: "If this was a court of law, there would have been nothing proven. I wouldn't consider it in any way embarrassing if many of the allegations turn out to be disproved."

The Human Rights Council further poisoned the waters by accepting the report 25-to-6 with a resolution aimed solely at Israel, ignoring Goldstone's criticisms of Hamas. The resolution also condemned Israeli activity in East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza.

Framed by Egypt, Nigeria, Pakistan and Tunisia, the resolution was supported by such pillars of human rights as Bangladesh, Chile, China, Cuba, Djbouti, Ghana, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, and Zambia. Contemptibly, Britain and France slipped off for an early weekend and failed to vote. Australia is not a member. Not for the first time, the UN has wasted the world's resources achieving nothing but a further hardening of attitudes.

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As if the U.N. has any credibility as the global propaganda organ for Slanted Left ideologues and Israel-hating Muslim nations.

Posted by Theway2k on 2009-10-19 21:53:52 GMT

RE : GOLDSTEIN^s REPORT : The foolishness of its rulers serves Israel right. I`ve stated ad nauseam every time I had a chance to, that the 4 years long daily rockets and mortars bombings of South Israel, mostly to reach HAMAS goal of turning SDEROT into a ghost town and total disregard for human life, SHOULD HAVE BEEN COUNTERED WITH THE SAME WEAPONRY AND LIFE DISREGARD SHOWN BY HAMAS... Then, the UN kangaroo court would have had NO gtounds to condemn Israel for "Disproportionate Reaction" for the use of aircraft to pinpointed killing of terrorists on their way to lauch rockets or mortars against Israel, BECAUSE IT WOULD HAVE BEEN A TIT FOR TAT... Instead, the KADIMA govmt. (I bet as an elections propaganda ploy), launched CAST LEAD and now Israel is, as always, the super-villian of the picture and to make matters worst, a JEWISH judge is the one that undertook this job, producing a fully biased report, based on blatant lies such as those of JENIN`s "massacre" as it fully smears Israel and whitewashes HAMAS.. But then again, Jews in high posts, damage Israel and Jews position in their endeavor of showing their impartiality.. Does anybody remember Kissinger`s actions against Israel at the YOM KIPPUR war ?? Thanks to General HAIG, Israel survived. I would sponsor the creation of a gallery of JEW BASTARDS, in order to hang there the pictures of NEVE GORDON, NOAM CHOMSKI, ALAN FINKELSTEIN, etc, and least but not last RICHARD GOLDSTEIN`s

Posted by J. Mandelblum on 2009-10-19 11:30:44 GMT

Dear Editor, The United Nations Human Rights Council report on alleged war crimes in the recent Gaza campaign, usually referred to as the "Goldstone" report after the South African jurist who led the report"s "expert" panel, is simply the most recent attempt to castigate and demonise Israel. People reading this report should remember the intense - and for a time widely and enthusiastically accepted - charges made against Israel Defence Forces regarding the alleged mass slaughter of Palestinians at Jenin in April 2002 - the so called "Massacre in Jenin". These allegations were later proven by international investigations, including UN investigations, to be completely untrue - a fabrication. It is also worth noting that the Goldstone Report in fact condemned both sides for committing war crimes in the conflict in Gaza whereas the recent UN Human Rights Council resolution criticises only Israel. Goldstone himself has cast doubt on the veracity of the allegations in the report stating on 2 October that "We had to do the best we could with the material we had ... If this was a court of law, there would have been nothing proven." He went on to admit that "I wouldn"t consider it in any way embarrassing if many of the allegations turn out to be disproved."("Cut & Paste", 17-18.10.09) That allegations of Israeli war crimes will ultimately prove to be baseless won"t be at all "embarrassing" to the UN and the world-wide anti Israel lobby. They will simply move on to promoting further unsubstantiated anti-Israel allegations in the full knowledge that by the time the alleged "war crimes" are proven to be false the damage to Israel"s reputation will already have been done - mission accomplished. Yours, Dr Bill Anderson

Posted by Bill Anderson on 2009-10-19 10:46:47 GMT