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Have they no sense of decency?

ABC Pre-school website has venom dripping from its fangs

Jewish community leaders have expressed concern about the ABC peddling virulent anti-Israel propaganda on its website for pre-school children.

The ABC’s website ABC for Kids online is described on its Twitter account as “the pre-school web site for children’s television programming broadcast on ABC1 and ABC2” .

 The site contains a vitriolic diatribe against Israel that ought not have been published anywhere let alone on a site for children.

The author – a member of an extreme left-wing anti-Israel group – tells the kids about the Israeli efforts to maintain its weapons-smuggling blockade of Gaza:

“… putting the attack in context more fully reveals its moral obscenity …”

Charming. And it gets worse.

The ABC for Kids site falsely claims that Israel has a conscious policy to keep the Palestinians on the verge of starvation: “… It’s like an appointment with a dietician.
The Palestinians will get a lot thinner, but won’t die …”

“.. All it would take was ‘Just one telephone call from the Israeli defence ministry’. This phone call still hasn’t come, and Palestinian babies continue to suffer, as the world continues to watch in silence, and as Western media continues to pass over this issue ….”

The article concludes:

“Perhaps now you can understand the sheer moral depravity of Israel’s attack on the flotilla. The Israel government has murdered at least 9 people trying to fight for the right of Palestinians to the basic necessities of life. And yet, there are still those willing to defend such barbarism. Have they no shame? At long last, have they no sense of decency?”

In reality, there is no serious question about the access of Gazans to food and the “necessities of life.” Its residents actually enjoy longer life-spans than the people of Malaysia.

The article had been transferred over to the website ABC for Kids but was originally published on the Unleashed website, the vehicle of Jonathan Green, a former left-wing email newsletter editor and Age journalist.

Concerned members of the Jewish community tell VEXNEWS they have registered protests about this with relevant authorities in an effort to get this obnoxious and false propaganda removed from the ABC’s websites.

The contents of the article and the context in which it appears is understood to have been referred to the Anti-Defamation Commission of the Jewish community which investigates and combats anti-semitism around the world.


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My comment in VexNews:You Muslims Haters!You never denounce any atrocities Radical Islam and Autocratic despotes commit against Muslims.You are acomplices with Hamas and terrorists alike who keep Muslims in misery in Palestine as political hosteges. You want Israel destroyed because Israeli Muslims live free and never leave Israel as refugees.Because Israeli Muslims have the best quality of life of the whole Muslim world. You Muslim Haters go live under the Taliban to feel what Muslims experience every day.

Posted by Esther Elbaz on 2010-06-20 01:27:04 GMT

Sometimes good things come from mistakes. Incorrectly assuming ABC was the American Broadcast Company, I called them to complain. They had not heard of this program. I rechecked,read Shirlee"s correction,(thank you, Shirlee, and called them back with my apology. However, I was able to give the Australian address and Katy, to whom I spoke, said she"d take a look. So, maybe my confusion was not a total bust.

Posted by Roberta on 2010-06-17 16:31:46 GMT

Roberta, thanks for the address, but unfortunately you have the incorrect ABC It"s the AUSTRALIAN Broadcasting Commission This is the link for complaints

Posted by Shirlee on 2010-06-16 22:32:45 GMT

ABC News is located at 77th West 66th Street, New York, NY 10023. The telephone is 212- 456-7777, the fax is 212- 456-4292. The President is David Westin 212-456-6200 and the foreign desk is Chuck Lustig 212-456-2800. The website is - these are the 2009 contact numbers. Shirlee has it correct - contact, call, complain, create a reason for them to comply and remove this virulent hatred. Wringing hands does not accomplish much - threaten to ring the phone of their advertisers and sponsors, and of the media, that is far more effective.

Posted by Roberta on 2010-06-16 21:06:51 GMT

Yet another example of some left wing extremists out to pollute and poison the minds of the young. It is even more effective in this day and age of internet and electronic media. Sadly we need to defend ourselves against the untruths and the lies time and time again.

Posted by Ilana L on 2010-06-16 12:28:45 GMT

Putting hate propaganda on a childrens" website is akin to child abuse! How dare the so called ABC.

Posted by Wazza of Oz on 2010-06-16 05:34:58 GMT

I was contacted a couple of weeks ago about the ABC web site issue and was informed that the matter had been handed over to the B\"nai Brit ADC. I replied to that email, because the ADC are useless. I spend a great deal of time trying to get them to do something about the Yahoo Australia & NZ Message Boards, all to no avail. I do better on my own. I send at least on email a day threatening them with the Australian Human Rights Commission and the laws on Cyber Racism. I do get topics taken down. It is better if this matter is dealt with directly by people complaining to the ABC. Can I please suggest that you send emails to all shuls, with a copy of what you want them to write and ask them to send emails out to their congregants A couple of weeks ago, I phoned Yahoo about a dreadful Holocaust topic that had been posted, knowing full well that I wouldn’t make it past the switchboard, I might add. I told them in no uncertain terms that I wanted the topic removed within 15 minutes, if not, I would be at Yahoo’s offices in North Sydney, within the hour with a news crew from a rival TV station.!! It went !!!!!!

Posted by Shirlee on 2010-06-16 04:54:44 GMT

I had thought that I was pretty much unshockable after reading so much anti-Israel material over the years but I was completely taken aback when I opened a website recently and found myself reading the most vitriolic diatribe against Israel that I have seen to date. This piece was so extreme and hate-filled that it made me despair to read it. Referring to the recent incident at sea when an Israeli naval vessel stopped a ship bound for Gaza the writer states that "putting the attack in context more fully reveals its moral obscenity". It then claims that Israel has a conscious policy to keep the Palestinians on the verge of starvation - which is, of course, untrue - and concludes that "Perhaps now you can understand the sheer moral depravity of Israel's attack on the flotilla. The Israel government has murdered at least 9 people trying to fight for the right of Palestinians to the basic necessities of life. And yet, there are still those willing to defend such barbarism". "Moral obscenity", "moral depravity", "barbarism" - strong words indeed. And where did I read such extremist and inflammatory words? One would guess that it would be in some official organ of Hamas, Fatah, Hizbollah or some similar terrorist organisation - in fact it was on an educational website called ABC for kids ( Yes, that's right, this is material that our national broadcaster considers it appropriate to present to our children. The ABC would not use such hate-filled words in relation to any other minority group - Gays, Aboriginals, Muslims etc. One can imagine the reaction if they did. Clearly they feel that they can act with impunity against Israel and the Jewish people. In the concluding words of his article the writer asks in relation to Israel - "Have they no shame? At long last, have they no sense of decency?" The shame lies with the ABC for publishing this material and on our political leaders if they do not do something about this attempt to poison our children's minds with such unbalanced vitriol.

Posted by Dr Bill Anderson on 2010-06-16 04:53:08 GMT