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Now the real fight begins

Israel has not yet released any killers.

The wrong impression is that Israel released 100 terrorists from jail last week.

The reality is that the Israeli gov't must now go through a mandatory "risk assessment " process for every killer who may be released , as required by Israeli penal law.

In previous killer releases, the Israeli government ignored that process because Israeli lives were on the line - Gilad Shalit, Elchanon Tannenbaum, and others who were already dead, but the government of Israel held out the possibility that they were alive, as in the case of Goldwasser and Regev.

Today, no lives are at stake- only  the lives that freed convicts would kill. Our agency visited the prisons where many of these Arab terrorist convicts are jailed, and we produced a short film, FOR THE SAKE OF ALLAH, where convicts state openly that if freed, they would resum their campaign of murder.

This is the time to communicate with the Israeli gov't with the message that members of the Israeli gov't and knesset must ask that the mandatory "risk assessment" process be  applied for every convict, as mandated by  the penal law in Israel.  

According to the highest sources in Israeli intelli gence, such a process would result in a the cancellation of some of the orders to free some of the killers, whose presence on the streets of Israel constitute a threat to human life.

Bottom line; Keep pressure on the Israeli gov't to follow the Israeli penal law.

The Knesset will be in session until August 12. Realistically, there is one week to go..

All e-mails, fax numbers and telephone numbers of all members of the government and Knesset are listed at;


David Bedein
Israel Resource News Agency
Center for Near East Policy Research
Beit Agron
Suite 105-106
37 Hillel Street
Jerusalem 94581 Israel

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Why has Bennett and his party not left the ruling coalition, in disgust? Especially given that his base would all be expelled from Judea and Samaria, that being a Palestinian demand (which I do not for a moment believe the Talks will be, successful, that is). Also, another failure would further tarnish US's already weakened influence in the region after a decade and more of disastrous decisions (and failed wars), and put any future talks off the agenda for a decade or more (a good thing). Unless the US has - somehow - set it up for Israel to be the fall guy, such that US must, somehow be seen to succeed, also paving the way for Kerry's run for Pres. Office in 2016. I am not aware of any assurance given to Israel of support, such as severely dealing with Iran. Obama is timid, and will not advocate yet anot war in the region. The US Public would not stand for it. Perhaps only history will reveal the truth behind this Commedia dell'arte, this charade, this media circus. If, however they succeed, then as I've said elsewhere, you can kiss Israel Goodbye, and start packing up for another Exodus. A (second) militarized additional Arab State in former British Mandatory Palestine immediately adjacent to the 1949 Armistice lines (the first being Jordan) is a recipe for Collective National Suicide. I don't read that in their Declaration of Independence. It is not a suicide pact, as best I understand it. See my ICJS Faceboook thread at: the one that starts with: "This is one of the best things I have read on the new "Peace Talks", albeit flawed on Bibi's motivation. Please try and take the time. Would love to have a discussion on this, especially why Netanyahu is doing this...

Posted by George Peters on 2013-08-01 03:17:07 GMT