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Ronaldson demands further action on ABC bias

Media Release

Senator Michael Ronaldson today demanded that ABC Managing Director Mark Scott immediately take further action to address bias at the ABC and remove the biased material that remains on the Behind the News website.

“It should deeply concern all Australians that the ABC’s website continues to provide teachers and students with an activity sheet containing the same sorts of bias and misrepresentation as last weeks BtN story for which the ABC has apologised unreservedly” Senator Ronaldson said.

“I welcome the ABC’s admission that they haven’t lived up to basic standards of balance and impartiality. However the removal of the program transcript and footage from their website does not go far enough.”

“When it comes to educating our children the truth should never be sacrificed for the sake of simplicity.”

“These so-called activity sheets must be immediately removed to ensure Australian students have a balanced understanding of the disturbing situation in the middle-east.”

The ‘activity sheet’ on the BtN website entitled ‘Lebanon’, among many failings and misrepresentations, poses leading questions and fails to acknowledge Hezbollah’s terrorist activities.

“This biased material has no place on a website purporting to be educational.”

“Mark Scott must ensure that BtN addresses widespread community concern over the bias planted in the minds of Australian students by running a story next week that corrects its earlier misrepresentations.”

“I continue to call on the ABC to abide by its charter and adopt a proactive stance to prevent further biased reporting” Senator Ronaldson concluded.

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