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Israel reduces humanitarian supplies that can enter Gaza after rocket fire

Article’s tags: Occupied Territories, Gaza / Hamas, Neo Anti Sem

"Hamas is responsible for what is happening in and out of the Gaza Strip," COGAT said in a statement. "Unless the peace is maintained, the State of Israel will act accordingly."

Palestinians travel through a crossing monitored by COGAT on umrah, the pilgrimage to Mecca for Hajj (photo credit: COGAT)
Palestinians travel through a crossing monitored by COGAT on umrah, the pilgrimage to Mecca for Hajj
(photo credit: COGAT)

The expected improvement in humanitarian conditions following an informal agreement between Israel and the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip has been cancelled following the continuation of rocket fire, according to a report from Israel's Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT). Some of these humanitarian measures include the expansion of the fishing zone for Gazan fisherman and the transfer of infrastructure supplies into Gaza.

COGAT said that trade permits would be reduced by 500 and that cement shipments can no longer enter the Strip. "Hamas is responsible for what is happening in and out of the Gaza Strip," COGAT said in a statement. "Unless the peace is maintained, the State of Israel will act accordingly."COGAT is the unit in the Defense Ministry that manages coordinating civilian issues between the State of Israel, the Israel Defense Forces, international organizations, diplomats and the Palestinian Authority. Over the weekend, Israeli fighter jets and helicopters struck multiple Hamas targets near Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip in response to rockets fired out of Gaza into Israel. No casualties were reported from the rocket attacks.

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