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Neo Anti Sem

How Not to Combat Antisemitism by Elkana Shmotkin - from the Rebbe

dehj12356545.png?_i=_n504bc99dd0473598aae3bcdc5d75568d.png What doesn't work to combat antisemitism, compiled by Elkana Shmotkin based on teachings of R Menachem Mendel Schneerson OBM, from Chabad ...
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Terror attack in Melbourne by Undisclosed

Lawyer considers Josh Burns attack to absolutely be a terror attack. ...
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Bari Weiss: 'History has come for Israel, it’s come for Ukraine and it will come for the West next' by Zoe Strimpel

bariweiss.png All know of Bari Weiss. Here is an interview in The Telegraph ...
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Fancy a PhD in Hamas Studies? by Julie Szego The ugly hypocrisy of our universities: With the steadfast refusal to repudiate Hamas, or, worse, the frank celebration thereof, came disinhibited anti-Semitism on campus. One invariably follows from the other. After all, the Hamas terrorist didn’t brag to his parents on October 7 about killing “Zionists,” simply “Jews.” ...
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Empty Words by ICJS Edittors

Empty words on antisemitism from our Australian leaders ...
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Pro-Palestinian journos like Antoinette Lattouf fail to do homework on horrors of Hamas by Chris Mitchell

e62b76ca81eff882c914c44fdb06c397.png Israel’s public is so traumatized by Hamas’s attacks on innocent civilians in southern Israel on October 7 that there is no internal pressure for peace. ...
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Mid-East war exposes myth of Israel lobby’s power, influence by Prof Timothy Lynch

1eba7ef29aa4633746af4d4dc58588a2?width=1280.png Critique of John Mearsheimer's (and Walt's) superficial analysis of US Foreign Policy ...
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ABC Managing Director accused of ignoring Jewish leaders’ plea over Q&A by Jenna Clarke

8242b732d7576c2a610ddc147fd59a45?width=1280.png Prominent Jewish leaders have been ignored by the ABC and its managing director David Anderson. ...
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Peace and Freedom by ICJS

peace.png Israel wants lasting peace and freedom from mindless terror ...
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The woke scapegoating of the Jews by Prof Frank Furedi

supernova-funeral-1536x922.png Identity politics has effectively energised and sanitised anti-Semitism. The moral status of Jews has been thoroughly devalued. ...
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How Israel Helps the US: Why the Relationship Is a Two-Way Street by Yoram Ettinger

A recent mega-billion-dollar increase in the export of Lockheed-Martin’s F-35 combat aircraft came about because the company was able to overcome a series of pivotal glitches. This was achieved by Lockheed-Martin, as well as by the Israeli Air Force and aerospace industries (especially the innovative Israel Aerospace Industries — IAI). This is why Israel is sometimes known as a cost-effective laboratory of the US defense and aerospace industries and armed forces. ...
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Hamas’s forever war against Israel has a glitch, and it isn’t Iron Dome by Haviv Rettig Gur

ap21141308830386-e1621598302743-1024x640.png Why Hamas promises another war soon, and another and another. And why it won’t work ...
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Israel pounds tunnel network in Gaza as Hamas keeps up rocket fire by Yoav Zitun

hk0011p11fyu_0_0_640_360_0_large.png IDF says the strikes also targeted head of Hamas military wing, who escaped 7 assassination attempts in the past, but they were unsuccessful; meanwhile, ceasefire talks stalled over Hamas demands to condition end of fighting on Jerusalem situation ...
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AP clarifies: Israel vaccinated Jerusalem Palestinians, 100,000 Westbank Palestinians by CAMERA Staff

ap-responsibility-vaccines-300x75.png AP agreed that the paragraph was misleading, and commendably inserted the following clarifying sentence... ...
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IDF arrests three suspects for attempted terror attack in Beth El by Tal Lev Ram/Maariv

465759.png Two suspects were said to have been hit by the soldiers' fire, the spokesperson said. ...
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Ahlam al-Tamimi ‘no longer subject to Interpol warrant’ by Lauren Marcus

ap_17082459255962-750x400.png al-Tamimi - associated with the deadly Sbarro attack - was sentenced to 16 life sentences for murder, but was released during the October 2011 Gilad Shalit prisoner swap. Interpol has now dropped her from most wanted list ...
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Murderers of the Fogel family set to get 50% salary increase from the PA by Maurice Hirsch

fogel1.png Having now almost completed 10 years in prison, the salary the Palestinian Authority pays to the murderers of the Fogel family is set to rise by 50%, from 4,000 shekels ($1,203) per month to 6,000 ($1,806) per month. ...
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University professor embroiled in a growing anti-Semitism row by Jake Ryan

39867148-9309439-image-m-27_1614529706589.png University professor embroiled in anti-Semitism row is sole shareholder of Corbynite group bankrolling far left figures accused of harassing Jewish people ...
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How much did PA spend on terror salaries in 2020? by Maurice Hirsch,Itamar Marcus,Nan Jacques Zilberdik

2020-salaries1.png 3.25% of the PA’s 2020 budget paid salaries to terrorist prisoners and released prisoners. ...
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BBC admits it was wrong to suggest Israel had responsibility to vaccinate Palestinians by Staff reporters

Backtrack comes after reporter suggested Oslo Peace Accords meant Israel is obliged to carry out inoculations ...
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ICC’s Israel Investigation Betrays its Mandate and Places All Western Nations in the Firing Line by Alex Ryvchin

icc.png The International Criminal Court’s Pre-Trial Chamber has determined jurisdiction to investigate Israel and Palestine for events in the West Bank and Gaza. This has sparked debate not only about jurisdiction, but whether the ICC is genuinely serving as a court of last resort reserved for the most serious mass crimes ...
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Obama’s 3rd term by Melanie Phillips

Israel scarcely needs the absence of a phone call to tell it that it has a grave problem with the new occupant of the White House. ...
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Revealed: how Mossad eliminated Mohsen Fakhrizadeh by Jake Wallis Simonss

gettyimages_1229869332_1_.jpg?auto=compress.enhance.format_xtr_crop=faces.entrop The plot took eight months to plan and execute; it was carried out without American support or approval, with only the subtlest of warnings given to Washington in advance; and it was undertaken by a large team of more than 20 spies and agents, some of whom were Israeli nationals operating undercover on the ground in Tehran. ...
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I.C.C. rules it has jurisdiction to examine possible Israel war crimes by Isabel Kershner

merlin_99310513_df03dac8-4bd5-446c-8b6a-b72f5d8656fd-articlelarge.jpg?quality=75 The International Criminal Court on Friday said it has the authority to investigate alleged crimes in the occupied territories, in a ruling condemned by Israel and praised by Palestinians. ...
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US Senate agrees to keep funding Jerusalem Embassy by Ron Kampeas

02-05-2021-jerusalem-embassy-2160x1200.png The US Senate passed an amendment to provide funding for its Jerusalem Embassy, making it even more unlikely that it could be moved back to Tel Aviv. Notably, Bernie Sanders (Jewish) was one of three Senators opposing the amendment. ...
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Guidance regarding COVID-9 vaccine by OU Orthodox Union

The following is shared based on the guidance of our poskim, Harav Hershel Schachter שליט”א and Harav Mordechai Willig שליט”א, with the support of Harav Dovid Cohen שליט”א. Read the complete statement on Vaccine advice from the OU ...
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Anti-semitism in America by Armin Rosen

98ad2e92f4a0d0e63f5622674ee4041b735fd75f-4949x3299.jpg?w=1300_xtr_q=70_xtr_auto= The new AJC report shows growing and broadening anti-Semitism, but also broad recognition of the trend ...
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Facebook bans posts that deny or distort the Holocaust by Editors

Reversing past position, Mark Zuckerberg says his opinion and the social media giant’s policies have ‘evolved’ after an increase in anti-Semitic violence in the US ...
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Taking a Jewish approach to U.S. history by Natan Sharansky and Gil Troy

cov-give-me-liberty-1244x858.png When facing history’s challenges, better to squirm than sanitize. The two of us were born into very different societies and encountered different forms of anti-Semitism. Nevertheless, those contrasting experiences made us each appreciate the power of America’s redemptive ideals as part of our Jewish understanding that history is three dimensional. ...
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Should there be a price for rejectionism and terror? by Douglas J. Feith & Lewis Libby

israeli-soldiers-west-bank.jpg?resize=987%2c576_xtr_ssl=1.png x ...
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Israeli court gives Palestinian attacker life sentence by Editors

A Palestinian man found guilty of fatally stabbing an American-Israeli settler in a 2018 attack was sentenced to life in prison Tuesday by an Israeli military court. ...
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Anti-Semitism: Labour pays damages for 'hurt' to whistleblower by BBC Editors

p08lhzrs.png The British Labour party has issued an unreserved apology in the High Court for making "false and defamatory" comments about seven whistleblowers who spoke out in a BBC Panorama programme last year. ...
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Bari Weiss leaves NYT: HonestReporting responds by Daniel Pomerantz

bari-weiss-nyt30793.png This week Bari Weiss, an opinion editor with a focus on antisemitism left the New York Times. Shockingly it was Bari’s own colleagues at The Times who called her a “Nazi” and a “racist,” and demeaned her for “writing about the Jews again.” ...
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Telegram - A briefing by Editors

swc-telegram-briefing-july.png Here is a chilling report from the Simon Wiesenthal centre on an online platform called Telegram ...
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Mysterious explosion and fire damage Iranian nuclear enrichment facility by David E. Sanger, William J. Broad and others

merlin_174146886_361e3ad0-4711-43ff-ba34-ebf8ebaa523c-articlelarge.jpg?quality=7 A fire ripped through a building at Iran’s main nuclear-fuel production site early Thursday, causing extensive damage to what appeared to be a factory where the country has boasted of producing a new generation of centrifuges. The United States has repeatedly warned that such machinery could speed Tehran’s path to building nuclear weapons. ...
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Anti-Israel rallies display outrageous hatred and hypocrisy by Steve Emerson

dc-protesters.png Ours is a time when antisemitism is surging and the popularity of intersectional politics has given new credibility to radical... A woman representing the New York-based Nodutdol, which says it is “inspired by the democratic social movements in Korea,” said Koreans who seek to unite North and South understand the Palestinian cause. ...
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Tlaib tweets lies re ramming attack, CNN spreads disinformatoin pushed by terrorist’s Family by Yakir Benzion

shutterstock_1664856475-scaled.png A Palestinian’s recent attempt to kill an Israeli policewoman with his car prompted sympathy for the terrorist from Rashida Tlaib and a troubling report from CNN. ...
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The battle over BDS – trends, lessons, and future trajectories by Asher Fredman

.. it is becoming increasingly clear that the counter-BDS network is succeeding in disrupting BDS momentum and forcing the BDS movement out of its comfort zone ... ...
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Starmer fires Labour education spokeswoman over antisemitism by Robert Hutton

rebecca-long-bailey.png UK Labour leader fires education spokesperson over antisemitic comments ...
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Israel reduces humanitarian supplies that can enter Gaza after rocket fire by Jerusalem Post Staff

444022.png "Hamas is responsible for what is happening in and out of the Gaza Strip," COGAT said in a statement. "Unless the peace is maintained, the State of Israel will act accordingly." ...
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The Road to Auschwitz wasn’t paved with indifference by Rivka Weinberg

21stoneweb-articlelarge.jpg?quality=75_xtr_auto=webp_xtr_disable=upscale.png We don’t have to be ‘stand-up’ers to avoid genocides. We just have to make sure not to help them along. ...
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I don’t regret breaking the unwritten rule British clergy should not intervene in party politics by Rabbi Dr Jonathan Romaine

rabbi-dr-jonathan-romain.png Rabbi Jonathan Romain reflects on the backlash against his decision to publicly urge congregants to vote against Labour ...
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French parliament decides anti-Zionism is antisemitism by Lahav Harkov

437113.png This decision "comes amidst a continuing rise in antisemitism, including acts of violence, in France," said the AJC. ...
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The Chief Rabbi’s intervention in Britain’s general election by Melanie Phillips

books-ad.png Reaction to the Chief rabbi's intervention proves the truth of his words ...
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Chief Rabbi: Corbyn ‘sanctioning a new poison’ in the Labour Party by Jewish News reporter

4-1-1024x640.png In a devastating attack, Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis accuses party leader of being “complicit in prejudice,” adding: "It's a failure to see this as a human problem" 134 shares ...
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Youtube link to Sacha Baron Cohen speech on rise in antisemitism by Mary Meisenzahl

5dd7c541fd9db2584c0a3632-1200.png See the youtube of Sacha Baron Cohen talking of the rise in antisemitism and attributing a large amount of blame to social media. ...
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Why I spoke out about Labour’s antisemitism shame by Rachel Riley

gettyimages-1047467984.jpg?auto=compress.enhance.format_xtr_crop=faces.entropy.e a transcript of Rachel Riley’s speech to the Holocaust Education Trust reception in Westminster 22 January 2018 ...
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