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International Law

How Not to Combat Antisemitism by Elkana Shmotkin - from the Rebbe

dehj12356545.png?_i=_n504bc99dd0473598aae3bcdc5d75568d.png What doesn't work to combat antisemitism, compiled by Elkana Shmotkin based on teachings of R Menachem Mendel Schneerson OBM, from Chabad ...
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Bari Weiss: 'History has come for Israel, it’s come for Ukraine and it will come for the West next' by Zoe Strimpel

bariweiss.png All know of Bari Weiss. Here is an interview in The Telegraph ...
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Pro-Palestinian journos like Antoinette Lattouf fail to do homework on horrors of Hamas by Chris Mitchell

e62b76ca81eff882c914c44fdb06c397.png Israel’s public is so traumatized by Hamas’s attacks on innocent civilians in southern Israel on October 7 that there is no internal pressure for peace. ...
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Mid-East war exposes myth of Israel lobby’s power, influence by Prof Timothy Lynch

1eba7ef29aa4633746af4d4dc58588a2?width=1280.png Critique of John Mearsheimer's (and Walt's) superficial analysis of US Foreign Policy ...
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Avram - the 1st Jewish Settler by ICJS

avram2_screen.png Avram - The first Jewish settler ...
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Jihad call by preacher in Sydney must be dealt with by Editorial

As the war enters its fifth week, the interests of Gaza’s people and civilized nations in which Jewish citizens play a constructive, important role in economic and community life, will be best served if Israel achieves its objective of to destroy Hamas as soon as possible. ...
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Netanyahu fights for political survival by Rory Jones and Anat Peled

c025ce24cb7a1e713bc2842c048c84e1?width=2048.png Israeli prime minister struggles to rally the public to his side after Oct. 7 attacks ...
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The woke scapegoating of the Jews by Prof Frank Furedi

supernova-funeral-1536x922.png Identity politics has effectively energised and sanitised anti-Semitism. The moral status of Jews has been thoroughly devalued. ...
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Hamas’s forever war against Israel has a glitch, and it isn’t Iron Dome by Haviv Rettig Gur

ap21141308830386-e1621598302743-1024x640.png Why Hamas promises another war soon, and another and another. And why it won’t work ...
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Israel pounds tunnel network in Gaza as Hamas keeps up rocket fire by Yoav Zitun

hk0011p11fyu_0_0_640_360_0_large.png IDF says the strikes also targeted head of Hamas military wing, who escaped 7 assassination attempts in the past, but they were unsuccessful; meanwhile, ceasefire talks stalled over Hamas demands to condition end of fighting on Jerusalem situation ...
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AP clarifies: Israel vaccinated Jerusalem Palestinians, 100,000 Westbank Palestinians by CAMERA Staff

ap-responsibility-vaccines-300x75.png AP agreed that the paragraph was misleading, and commendably inserted the following clarifying sentence... ...
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IDF chief of staff criticizes ICC war crimes probe of Israel by JP Staff

469174.png "I am responsible for the order to open fire," said IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kohavi. "You are not alone and will not be alone." ...
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Ahlam al-Tamimi ‘no longer subject to Interpol warrant’ by Lauren Marcus

ap_17082459255962-750x400.png al-Tamimi - associated with the deadly Sbarro attack - was sentenced to 16 life sentences for murder, but was released during the October 2011 Gilad Shalit prisoner swap. Interpol has now dropped her from most wanted list ...
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Israeli intelligence cooperation with Arab allies thwarts Iranian terrorism by Erfan Fard

symbol-of-the-uae-embassy-in-addis-ababa-image-via-twitter-_at_uaethio-300x215.p A newly formed intelligence cooperation between Israel and several Arab states has already thwarted Iranian attacks. ...
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Major Jewish groups split over Biden’s anti-Israel staffers by Dominic Green

gettyimages-1231187197-730x475.png A crisis in Jewish American politics is coming ...
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BBC admits it was wrong to suggest Israel had responsibility to vaccinate Palestinians by Staff reporters

Backtrack comes after reporter suggested Oslo Peace Accords meant Israel is obliged to carry out inoculations ...
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Joe Biden calls Binyamin Netanyahu by Geoff Earl

39417980-9271731-image-a-1_1613596542925.png Joe Biden has held his first phone call as president with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who had friction with Barack Obama's administration and forged symbiotic relations with President Donald Trump. ...
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ICC’s Israel Investigation Betrays its Mandate and Places All Western Nations in the Firing Line by Alex Ryvchin

icc.png The International Criminal Court’s Pre-Trial Chamber has determined jurisdiction to investigate Israel and Palestine for events in the West Bank and Gaza. This has sparked debate not only about jurisdiction, but whether the ICC is genuinely serving as a court of last resort reserved for the most serious mass crimes ...
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Obama’s 3rd term by Melanie Phillips

Israel scarcely needs the absence of a phone call to tell it that it has a grave problem with the new occupant of the White House. ...
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Revealed: how Mossad eliminated Mohsen Fakhrizadeh by Jake Wallis Simonss

gettyimages_1229869332_1_.jpg?auto=compress.enhance.format_xtr_crop=faces.entrop The plot took eight months to plan and execute; it was carried out without American support or approval, with only the subtlest of warnings given to Washington in advance; and it was undertaken by a large team of more than 20 spies and agents, some of whom were Israeli nationals operating undercover on the ground in Tehran. ...
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I.C.C. rules it has jurisdiction to examine possible Israel war crimes by Isabel Kershner

merlin_99310513_df03dac8-4bd5-446c-8b6a-b72f5d8656fd-articlelarge.jpg?quality=75 The International Criminal Court on Friday said it has the authority to investigate alleged crimes in the occupied territories, in a ruling condemned by Israel and praised by Palestinians. ...
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US Senate agrees to keep funding Jerusalem Embassy by Ron Kampeas

02-05-2021-jerusalem-embassy-2160x1200.png The US Senate passed an amendment to provide funding for its Jerusalem Embassy, making it even more unlikely that it could be moved back to Tel Aviv. Notably, Bernie Sanders (Jewish) was one of three Senators opposing the amendment. ...
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Sudan and Israel agree to normalize ties, the third such accord since August by Anne Gearan and Steve Hendrix

imrs.php? Sudan and Israel have agreed to begin normalizing relations and set aside decades of hostility, President Trump and leaders of both nations said Friday, marking the third such accord brokered by the White House in the weeks leading up to the U.S. presidential election. ...
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The Middle East’s new map by Robert D Kaplan

2020-09-15t185245z_1013216477_rc25zi9k4tjq_rtrmadp_3_israel-gulf-usa.jpg?itok=mm The imminent establishment of diplomatic relations between Israel and two Gulf states, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, is part of an on-going process of security cooperation going back many years. While that robs the event of some drama, it also increases its significance. It means that the process of ending the era of Arab-Israeli confrontation will continue, culminating perhaps in a political upheaval in Iran. That is the road that the Middle East may now be on ...
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Normalisation of relations between Bahrain and Israel by Whitehouse

Remarks by President Trump on the Announcement of Normalization of Relations Between Israel and the Kingdom of Bahrain ...
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UAE’s warm welcome to Israelis reflects changing region by Aron Heller

2pijmtxmp4i6vpiidmibgk2fr4.jpg_xtr_w=691.png In less than 24 hours on the ground, Israel’s first-of-its-kind delegation to the United Arab Emirates received a warm welcome that would have been nearly unthinkable just a few weeks ago. ...
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The nature of the peace agreement twixt Israel and Emirates by Ralph

The Israeli peace ag ...
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UAE formally ends Israel boycott amid US-brokered deal by Jon Gambrella

800.jpeg.png The ruler of the United Arab Emirates issued a decree Saturday formally ending the country’s boycott of Israel amid a U.S.-brokered deal to normalize relations between the two countries. ...
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Another Israel-Arab deal expected in coming weeks: Israeli ambassador to US by Emily Judd

27395882-e6f6-41c3-b894-a836fa781f99_16x9_600x338.png Ambassador Ron Dermer sat down for an exclusive interview with Al Arabiya English on Friday, in which he predicts more Israel-Arab agreements will be announced soon. He also responded to critics of the deal and weighed in on remaining obstacles that must be overcome to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. ...
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Israel’s stand against Iranian ambitions brings neighbours to the peace table by Alex Ryvchin

The agreement is the most significant diplomatic development in the Middle East since Israel signed a peace treaty with Jordan in 1994 and it formalises a regional realignment that has been occurring clandestinely for decades. ...
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The joyous Israel-UAE peace deal by Stephen Daisley

gettyimages-1228031816.jpg?format=jpg_xtr_width=1920_xtr_height=1080_xtr_fit=cro States, countries welcome Diplomatic agreement between UAE and Israel ...
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Arab doctor begs Lebanon to send wounded to Israel by Benjamin Kerstein

capture-637x400.png Head of hospital in Galilee pleads with Lebanon to send Beirut disaster victims to Israel. ...
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Taking a Jewish approach to U.S. history by Natan Sharansky and Gil Troy

cov-give-me-liberty-1244x858.png When facing history’s challenges, better to squirm than sanitize. The two of us were born into very different societies and encountered different forms of anti-Semitism. Nevertheless, those contrasting experiences made us each appreciate the power of America’s redemptive ideals as part of our Jewish understanding that history is three dimensional. ...
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Israel gifts medical supplies to Province 2 Himalaya by Editors

In support of the Government of Nepal’s effort to contain the spread of COVID-19, the Embassy of Israel in Kathmandu dispatched medical supplies to the Ministry of Social Development in Province 2, which has been worst hit by the pandemic. ...
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Should there be a price for rejectionism and terror? by Douglas J. Feith & Lewis Libby

israeli-soldiers-west-bank.jpg?resize=987%2c576_xtr_ssl=1.png x ...
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Telegram - A briefing by Editors

swc-telegram-briefing-july.png Here is a chilling report from the Simon Wiesenthal centre on an online platform called Telegram ...
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Iran rocked by new explosion at gas plant by Ezra Stone

explosion-890x400.png Mysterious explosions continue to rip through sensitive locations in the Islamic Republic, with the latest blaze erupting at a gas plant. ...
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Signs increasingly point to sabotage in fiery explosion at Iranian nuclear complex by Joby Warrick, Souad Mekhennet and Steve Hendrix

7jawhbv73ui6vn62lab3ffhenu.jpg_xtr_w=32.png A massive explosion and fire at a highly sensitive Iranian nuclear facility last week was probably an act of sabotage, intelligence officials and weapons experts said Monday, but analysts were divided over the severity of the damage to Iran’s nuclear program. ...
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4 Palestinian banks cancel Terrorists’ ATM cards and salaries by Maurice Hirsch

logo.png This could be the first time in over a decade that the PA did not pay salaries to terrorists, with banks appearing to buck the pay-for-slay policy for fear of legal ramifications. ...
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Mysterious explosion and fire damage Iranian nuclear enrichment facility by David E. Sanger, William J. Broad and others

merlin_174146886_361e3ad0-4711-43ff-ba34-ebf8ebaa523c-articlelarge.jpg?quality=7 A fire ripped through a building at Iran’s main nuclear-fuel production site early Thursday, causing extensive damage to what appeared to be a factory where the country has boasted of producing a new generation of centrifuges. The United States has repeatedly warned that such machinery could speed Tehran’s path to building nuclear weapons. ...
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Wilful Blindness and the Mistake of Underestimation: The Oslo Gamble by Joel Fishman

Beyond the failure of the Oslo process to bring peace, there is a broader cultural dimension: how the Israelis view themselves and their place in the world and how official Israel understands its relationship with the Palestinian Arabs. ...
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The battle over BDS – trends, lessons, and future trajectories by Asher Fredman

.. it is becoming increasingly clear that the counter-BDS network is succeeding in disrupting BDS momentum and forcing the BDS movement out of its comfort zone ... ...
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Secretary Pompeo At a Press Conference by Mike Pompeo

Remarks about Israel's sovereignty over parts of Shomron/Yehuda at a Press conference ...
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Palestinian officials face threats, abuse for normalizing ties with Israel by Khaled abu Toameh

mail-icon-small.png They were accused of betraying the Palestinian people and cause by talking to Israelis. ...
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ICC prosecutor again refuses 2010 Gaza flotilla raid probe by Mike Corder

The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court on Monday again refused to open an investigation into the 2010 storming by Israeli forces of an aid flotilla heading to the Gaza strip. ...
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Youtube link to Sacha Baron Cohen speech on rise in antisemitism by Mary Meisenzahl

5dd7c541fd9db2584c0a3632-1200.png See the youtube of Sacha Baron Cohen talking of the rise in antisemitism and attributing a large amount of blame to social media. ...
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US no longer holds that Israeli settlements are illegal by BBC Editors

_106331461_mediaitem106331460.png BBC reports that The US has shifted its position (or rather reverted to one of its previous positions) on Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, no longer viewing them as inconsistent with international law. ...
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